Welcome to Hogwarts

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Before we begin with the movies Hecate and Gaia are bringing here more people to watch Aster's life. said Ayana.

Also, bear in mind not to anger them, continued Ayana while looking at Klaus, Kol, and Damon.

What's the meaning of this Gaia Hecate? yelled The king of the Gods.

We are here to watch the life of someone important to Apollo, Posiden, and Hades. replied Gaia 

Poseidon and Hades looked at them confused. While Apollo realised to it is about.

It was fate's idea to bring everyone here stated Hecate.

Let's introduce to these creatures and mortals said a teenager with fiery red hair that had an aura of warmth to it. 

Hello I am Hestia Goddess of Hearth and Home

Zeus God of the sky, lightning, and thunder, and the King of the Gods

Apollo God of music, poetry, prophecy, art, truth, archery, healing, and the sun.

Many looked at him shocked they saw him on the screen with baby Asters. why are the Gods and Goddess interested in Aster's Life?

Posiden God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.

Hermes God of messengers, travelers, and thieves

Ares God of war and violence.

Hades God of the underworld

Dionysus God of wine, celebration, and madness

Thanatos The personification of death.

Athena Goddess of wisdom and war

Hera Queen of the Gods and marriage.

Artemis Goddess of hunt, moon, childbirth, and wilderness

Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty.

Demeter Goddess of agriculture and harvest

Gaia Goddess of earth and mother nature

Hecate Goddess of magic.

Gaia looked at everyone and said Shall we continue the movie.

 They all nodded.

[It is now nighttime, and the train is pulling into the station. Hagrid is carrying a lantern, walking to the train.]

Right, then! First years, this way, please! Come on now! the first year, don't be shy! Come on now. Hurry up. Come on!" said Hagrid.

[The group walks away from the train, towards Hagrid.]

"Hello, Aster," said a beaming Hagrid.

"Hey, Hagrid," Aster replied with a small smile.

"Whoa!" said Ron.

Everyone was in the boats, and four to five people were in each boat. Kol, Aster, Daphne, Natalie, and Ron were in one boat, while the others were in the other boat. A magnificent, imposing castle illuminated in the darkness. The young people all gawked at it.

 The young people all gawked at it

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