Doll of the furnace origins

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A man who was kicked out of huan hua palace created everything...

The start of a madness and how a certain soul was born.

He was a man who created weapons out of human reach weapons used for "war" but was kicked out after the "new" huan hua palace master found out about his weak golden core.

This created an impact in his career although he was successful in these weapons and his life he was still looked down so he will create a new peek and he will stop at nothing to create his dream.

Though he wasn't alone in this as he had a little help with a young lady who was a young mistress who was interested in his "projects" and wanted him to push further.

The first thing they both did was find a secluded place the little mistress had a palace within the peaks which is now called the "facility" which will be their "factory" and empire.

The journey wasn't easy for this man as he would find humans preferably abandoned children and slaves.

The mistress covered everything in the name of this "project".

Nothing weighed him down as he created experiments with life itself going as far as trapping souls within the fortress.

The mistress wanted a "slave" that could be molded into anything like a doll and obedient someone who could also have his intelligence.

That created a dark path to this obsession. His greatest creation was a doll this doll was made from human body parts the cultivator had the idea of creating a humanoid that never ages nor dies and that doll would be the heart of the furnace.

He saw a young child a slave who was already owned by someone but a slave is a slave he took the boy as another slave yelled the boys name as much as he wanted to keep a low profile he had to hush the child by kicking him hard that he puked blood.

The cultivator ran running with the slave in his arms who was in a vegative state he cannot move which makes his job easier...

Upon opening the boy he realized he hit the jackpot as the boy had a high spiritual level and had a strong golden core so strong it emitted a blinding light.

The process was low first removing the limbs replacing them with parts that doesn't seem human then the main body it took a huge process but he completed the body only the libs were nowhere to be found but the boys organs were slowly fading nothing about him was human anymore the boy had nothing humane about him...

The boy now had been replaced by "machines" and gears which was so powerful the creation was that of a Frankenstein machine.

"Hahahaha oh how you're perfect!" The cultivator yelled.

The cultivator wasn't done he began to create more things with the factory.

As the mistress began to learn from this cultivator she began to have more intelligence being the favorite of the huan hua palace master she wanted more...

This gave way to the cultivator who began to experiment with demons letting the poor soul trapped inside the doll follow orders the mistress had an idea of combining the doll with demon abilities.

This gave way to finding demons of higher rank where the mistress ordered cultivators to retrieve demons dead or alive for this experiment those who knew her manipulation either joined her and her favorite cultivator or "silenced" for good.

That gave way to the cultivators into capturing the demon on the top of the food chain a "heavenly demon" which with cultivation combined the souls of the doll.

Upon achieving this the doll had gone mad as it would kill cultivators left and right but was later shut down.

The mistress was distraught by her doll being out of commission but had to calm down as the cultivator needs time into this project.

It was when the cultivator had the idea of doing a ritual where he would offer offerings to the "gods" where he offered the body of the heavenly demon as an offering as these demons were once fallen divinity the gods and having a dead body as an offering would please them.

And it did...

The gods gave them the knowledge they need and everything they wanted to achieve their goals this lead to them creating "portals" in which they would make traveling easier better than that rainbow bridge which is dangerous for people and an ambush.

Soon the cultivator created these cores that were made for the doll spheres of light created to vessel the doll one was placed on the dolls head "Knowledge" two were placed at its back plates of its back which the mistress wanted a doll that could fly these were the dolls "morals" and "values" something of humanity after a cultivator informed the mistress if the "doll" has no value nor moral of human beings then it would continue to be a killing machine rather than submit to her this gave way to the mistress agreeing to this she doesn't want a doll that expressed emotions but it was obvious giving the doll balance placing the spiritual core of the boy and transformed it into a spherical gem and the powers of the heavenly demon balancing yin and yang.

The cultivator was hesitant to put the last core as this would give the doll a human soul he questioned the mistress who being informed of this left the core leaving the doll with an open hole upon activation the doll had achieved what they wanted a perfect doll incapable of holding human emotions just do what it was told.

Overtime the cultivation world changed as these weapons gave way into defeating the heavenly demon that had a relationship with a female cultivator.

The mistress as manipulative she was wanted more and then decided to put the once empty core of the doll and then the doll began to become aware of its surroundings the mistress had been attached to the doll giving it looks of a "human" even clothing it with emerald robes.

The doll was a prized possession of the mistress but this happiness of hers wouldn't last as the cultivator caught an incurable illnesses and she wasn't the favorite in the huan hua masters the doll was abandoned but the mistress wasn't going down without a fight she wanted to be merged with the doll she was obsessed with but by the time she could have that she knew she couldn't achieve her goal.

But she needs someone to run this world she created she did a ritual once more offering her prized doll for this.

The gods who noticed the doll noticed its beauty and decided to put a soul within it but not just any other soul but a soul from the boy the cultivator who started all this who was reincarnated into the "modern" world and just died in the most embarrassing and "wtf" way in the history of everything they transferred his soul and gave him a system a chain on him as this is the mark of a era.

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