Chapter 4 - New Apartment

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🎶Play Song Above for the Vibes: New Apartment - Ari Lennox 🎶

It's the next morning and I roll over to see Ace already awake, sitting up in bed, with his laptop open and writing in his notebook with the nightstand light on.. I stretched and said to Ace:

Me: *squints & rubs eyes* What time is it?

Ace: It's about 4AM.

Me: What you doing up this early, you can't sleep?

Ace: Nah, not really. I'm just going over my notes for the meeting I have for later on today..

Me: Mm. You need some help?

Ace: *shrugs* I mean.. if you want to help out, I'll give it a go..

Me: Okay good. *sits up in bed* Talk to me.

Ace: *smirks* Okay, so you know how on our tour yesterday everyone handed me a folder right?

Me: Yeah?

Ace: Well, on a weekly basis I have everyone give me a report of sales, inventory, and all receipts of transactions for bookkeeping. I do this because I want to keep a good record of where all the money is coming and going.. *shrugs*

As far as I can see, the numbers are okay, but I feel like we can improve. We have a lot of visitors who come to enjoy their time, so they bring in a lot of money.. But out of the 3456 Apartment Units, I got 2500 occupied and I want the other 956 I want filled up..

The entire meeting will be like a brainstorm session on how to upgrade our marketing to bring in more black residents.. The Black people who do come here, assume that it's too expensive to live here so they just shop, party, get a room, and go home.. I want to change it, but I'm kinda stuck. The marketing team mainly focuses on creating content to land us grants, donations, and free goods, so the whole marketing aspect of getting new residents will be new for us.

Me: How did y'all get the 10,000 people that moved here.. Here?

Ace: Word of mouth, and a job listings. People who got a job here, moved here and brought their families too, naturally..

Me: Well do Lebeau have a website?

Ace: *chuckles* Yeah, but it's not the best I ain't gonna lie..

Me: Let me see!

Ace reluctantly typed on his computer to the website link for his town.. When the page loaded up, he handed me the laptop for me to check it out..

This website is ass. For this town to be dope as hell this website alone will have people running away as fast as they clicked the link..

Me: Yikes. 

Ace: *laughs nervously* Yeah I know..

Me: Good thing for you.. I know exactly what to do. I can have all those apartments filled up in no time.. Just give me a lil bit and I'll let you know what I come up with..

Ace: *smirks* Okay... we'll see..

Me: Trust me. I do this *smiles & kisses* and I'M going back to sleep.. It's early as hell.

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