Chapter 15 - Magic

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🎶Play Song Above for the Vibes: Magic - Xavier Omar🎶

Back to Amirah's POV

Jade and I left the hotel and began to walk around the lake area.. I'm holding her by the arm because she's hardly able to walk now. Wobbling ass hehe.

Jade: GIRL. That was so beautiful. I love y'all did that for your man. You go girl!

Me: Thank you. *giggles* I really wanted to tie everything together for him.. He deserves it. He worked so hard all these years..

Jade: That was perfect. What he did to this place is fucking perfect. I love my apartment! I'll start working at the clinic after I heal up and everything and Mom and Dad gonna pay my rent until I do. My place all cute and set up perfectly for me and the baby!

Me: That's good Jade... Black told us that y'all just going to co-parent and everything .. Why you end up get a 3 bedroom?

Jade: Cuz! I got my room, the baby room, and the last room is our closet! Mom and Dad completely spoiled us while y'all were on the honeymoon!

Thing is sis. Me and Black just not going to work out. We better off as friends. He's going to work on himself and do his thing and imma do mine..

Me: So, after you heal and everything you going to go back to "doing you"?

Jade: *glares at me* No! My heauxing days are over I told you.. Right now.. Me and Trey are seeing each other..

Me: What!? How that happen!?

Jade: You remember when we was on tour right?

Well, after we got the keys and shit to our apartment's, He bought a hotel room for the night. 

He was staying at Randy's for a few days, and both of our places had nothing in it yet, OBVIOUSLY. 

So, Randy slid by mom's house, picked me up, Trey was in the truck, and he dropped us off at the hotel.

Trey bought me some food at the resturant. We talked and had a good time. Girl you saw us on that tour! He was feeling me the whole time! He ain't give a damn that I was pregnant!

Me: Clearly.

Jade: Girl hush. His fine ass got a kid of his own too! His daughter like 4 years old. She's adorable too! 
Anyways. We get to the room right?

I lay my fat ass on the bed, he looking at me licking his lips and shit, and i'm like "what you trying to do!?" he like "i just want to taste your juices mama"

GIRL! You already KNOW how I was! His fine ass took off all my clothes ate me out and oooooh it fucking felt so good!

Me: Girl yo, nasty ass pregnant!

Jade: So!? Pleasure stimulates the baby and make them come out sooner so shut up!

ANYWAYS, after he got done eating me out, I had him come on to the bed, I pulled his pants down and GIRL that fucking snake was so fucking sexy and OH. MY. GOD Amirah. 

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