Chapter 54: My Life Would Suck Without You

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There's no other name for it.

I've been told of the side effects of mating. I knew I'd be connected to my partner on a level I was never accustomed or prepared for.

Truth is, as much as my parents tried their best, no one could've prepared me for what the mate bond really means for those who are linked.

Of course, no one prepared me for rejection. I was always told I couldn't reject my mate under any circumstances, unless I wanted to forfeit any chance of being the next Alpha.

Right. Sure... *eye roll*

You all know by now there's no Alpha without Luna, the ying to your yang. But what I could never have fathomed is that I could actually be rejected.

I don't mean to sound conceited, but I'm a catch. Despite the amazing good looks, I am also the future Alpha of our pack.

I mean, I should've been.

Enter my mate, a boy named Kuckunniwi Becker, and the rest as they say is history.

Except it 's not.

Despite the rejection, the mate bond wasn't built for that. It connects our two souls forever and it's not really worried about petty things like human's decisions. Wolves don't decide anything, they simply connect according to their Goddess wishes.

My wolf doesn't care about rejection, it only craves Kuckunniwi Becker. That's it. I could live a thousand lives and still I'd be at his mercy.

There's no cure for this disease. Except for death. Nothing else can sever this bond, save from the Moon Goddess herself.

No offense, but if she was looking out for me, she wouldn't have paired me with a boy.

So, there's that. Death or life in misery. These are my options.

However, if there's one consolation in all of this, is that despite his initial reaction to our mating - and consequential rejection - Beck is not exactly doing so well either.

He probably thought that because he was already mated and marked, rejection wouldn't harm him so much.

He thought he could go by unscathed by the mate bond on account of the fact that he's already mated to my brother.

Yeah, it doesn't work that way.

I'm not an expert on two persons mating because that never happened before in werewolf history, but any cub would know rejection costs you. As it should.

It's not simply a 'fuck off' to your mate and be done with it. If it were that easy, no one would accept a mate in the first place.

It doesn't matter if you're mated to one or one hundred, the pull works just fine linking you together with your pair.

And if Beck thought it'd be easy to stay rejected to me, he's having another thing coming.

When he took a sniff of my scent the other day, very close to me, my knees were weakened. I was left trembling while my wolf howled inside my chest at the close proximity to our mate.

I also took the opportunity to take a good inhale of his scent. I need him just as much as he needs me. That will never change.

And if I'm being brutally honest, that's the only thing keeping me going. Because if I were the only one of us hurting while he promenade around school unbothered...

Well, I would've already lost all hope.

I checked in with Dragon about how his parents are dealing with his mating to Kingsley. I know they come from a rather stricter country and society, so it was a shock to them.

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