Chapter 7: Already Gone

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I'm bleeding right now.

I wish that was an euphemism, but it's not. I really am injured by a real life big sized wolf. I was lucky that I changed my sparring partner, because if this was my previous opponent, I'd be in much worse shape.

After my dad commanded the warrior to shift into a wolf, he had no choice but to comply. He went to the changing station - you have to be naked in order to shift, so there's a place nearby to do it with some privacy - and returned as a fully realized wolf.

Then, my dad ordered him to attack me so that I'd learn how to defend myself against one.

Sure. That's the equivalent of throwing someone in the deep end of the pool and hoping they'll learn how to swim instead of drowning. Except the pool doesn't have teeth the size that would make a vampire jealous.

No, that wasn't an exaggeration. The hyperbole is that I now have more bite marks on me than a dog's chew toy.

Once my father was satisfied that I was in enough pain, he ended the 'fight' and sent me to the medic for treatment of the wounds.

My colleague later apologized to me for the injuries, but I told him it wasn't his fault.

Why would you send someone who can't even shift to fight a wolf? What's the lesson in that?

Honestly, I lost the last shred of respect I had for my father. Before today, I could justify some of his behavior but now...

Between this stunt and the 'breeding partner' speech, I'm hellbent on leaving this reservation as soon as possible. I don't care if I have to beg on the streets, I won't stay here. I'm done.

There are no more excuses for his behavior. None. I'm so fed up with all his bullshit that even in the face of clear danger, I can't bring myself to fight him or complain about his decision to have me nearly maimed for his entertainment.

I know he thinks he's punishing me, adjusting my behavior or whatever crazy justification he concocted in his mind, but I don't care anymore.

He somehow thinks he's got the upper hand because he has all the power. Little does he know how much I load him and his macho hubris.

Funny enough, if he was actually a decent human being, maybe I could be persuaded to do what he wants and follow in his footsteps. But no, he had to be a jerk about it.

He had to flaunt his power as if that was gonna make me any less gay, any less rebellious. Bitch please...

If there's one universal truth in the world, it is that you can't change someone's sexuality. That's not how the human spectrum works. You can will yourself into thinking whatever or convince yourself that you're not so inclined, but eventually the bill will come.

It's psychology 101, the more you deny it, the stronger it'll fight back. And I'm done fighting this. I am who I am and will not change it for anyone.

After I was patched up by the healer, I stayed put in my father's office in mortal silence. I didn't whine, complained about anything. I did what I was supposed to do and breathed not a word to him.

When he tried to tell me something, I listened and remained quiet. If I was supposed to do a task, I performed it without speaking a word.

He thinks I'm giving him the silent treatment, but in reality I'm already checked out. If I'm forced to play this part, I don't need to be talkative to do so. I will act as required of me, since there's no alternative. But that's it.

Later that day, as soon as my mother laid eyes on me she noticed the bandages and asked me what happened.

Once I told her what he had forced me to do, she was horrified. My mother asked me if I was in any pain, to which I replied I wasn't.

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