Chapter One: First Off

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Author's Note
Okay so I'm probably going to update this once a week because I already have a lot of chapters written but I'm changing them to make the characters more my style and less boring maybe. I didn't like how they were at first.

Also, I'm basing them off of my friends and the vision I have of what I think my friends and I would be like in the odd situation of this story.  If you are my friend and somehow found this, don't be offended by anything. Got it? Good. Cuz you know me.

I think that you might like it, but if you don't like Percy Jackson, you're basically in the Labyrinth without magic twine, meaning to say that you're lost.

Also, don't hold me to the once every week.


I'm not kidding I'm reworking this story and writing new chapters while writing other stories of another fandom.

Well, on that note, enjoy!!!


Okay, first off, I didn't choose this life.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Il-wait, I'll start from the beginning. My name is Lila Jessica McFlynn. And life enjoys screwing me and my friends over.

Again, I'm getting ahead of myself. You're right.

So I should start with how everything happened. Get ready for some weird schist. (If you don't get it, you're in the wrong palace.)

It started about a year ago. Another school year just started, it was about two weeks in, and was hanging out with my friends. Hailey and Kristiana are my three best friends. Hailey has short, dark brown hair and dark colored eyes. Kristiana has medium length hair, that's bright red, like fire. She also has glasses, and is energetic.

All of our minds go to very evil places if we see someone messing with one of the others. I think that they are actually concerned for me, with my Black List of authors that killed off my favorite characters. We are incredibly sarcastic to each other and are very much dark. We're a fun group that way! (Note the sarcasm.)

Hailey had a twin sister, named Holly. She didn't come with us, because she wasn't given an invitation. We also got scholarships with our invitation, and their family couldn't send two people on one scholarship for one person's .

We all were also adopted. We didn't know anyone but each other before we were adopted, then we found out we were being adopted at the same time, but into different families. We didn't even know where we were going! No contact. Never to see each other again. But then we showed up at school a month later. And saw each other. And we ran. We ran to each other. We ignored every stare that came our way. Our family was reunited, and nothing would ever separate us again.


We all moved to New York City and into an apartment together so we could attend the same school, called Goode. We were all mysteriously invited to this school and went to live in the same apartment complex as Kristiana's aunt. It was a nice, rather expensive, apartment. It would be our junior year. Three sixteen year old girls. And we were just across from her Aunt Janine.

    It was a big apartment but we all bunked together in the largest room, which originally had only two beds. We decided to stay together because, in a new place, we felt safer together. We moved one more bed into it so we could stay together comfortably.

Sometimes we would play Truth or Dare or a game and the loser had to sleep on the floor. But sometimes it was a Dare to be with me because I sometimes kicked and/or punched in my sleep. The first friend that we made was a trio that already knew each other. Their names were Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase, and Percy Jackson.

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