~𝐉 𝐱 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜❤️~

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a/n: imma be fr with yall but i was actually excited to write this, so hope yall enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it🙏

this is also inspired by a book called "Mother J" (i forgot who wrote it but credits to them). this isn't heavily inspired by the book but it gave me small ideas of what to write, anyways before i shut up go read the book its so fun. alright i'll shut up now

requested by: @Solarialuvsyou_


~3rd POV~

workers from left to right running, screaming and desperately trying to get away. three disassembly drones chasing and killing workers left and right, leaving nothing but corpses. eventually J killed a female and male worker, and soon hearing a small sob

J looked over to see what and who was the source of the sound. her screen displaying a large 'X', her mouth open showing her fangs. her hands replaced with claws. as she approaches the source of the sound, she realizes its.. a child.? (a tiny lil worker, it'll move to a larger worker body later)

whats a child doing out here? anygays, the child looks up at j and cries more.

"p-please! d-don't hurt m-me...!" the little worker cried out, putting their hands out in front of them as if to block the disassembly drone from trying to do anything.

'was.. was that it's parents.? shit, uh..' J thought as she redrew her claws, closed her mouth, and the X displayed on her screen replaced with concerned eyes.

"hey there, uh, little one.? i wont hurt you," j said with a slight smile, though her concerned look still was there. "why dont you come with me? i'll protect you, i promise" j said as she held her arms out for the little worker drone to cry into

though the little worker was still unsure, but they still went into j's arms and hugged her tightly, as if to never let go. j hugged the little drone back and gently patting its back

"so, whats your name little one?" j asked with a gentle tone

"(y)-(y/n)." the little drone responded as they looked up at j

"hi j—" the little worker was startled by a loud scream and crashing.

the little worker held onto j tightly and started sobbing. they were so scared. j hugged (y/n) back and patted their back in a comforting manner

"hey hey.. its ok, your ok.. we can go somewhere else if you want?" j offered as she looked at the little drone, putting a hand on their shoulder

the little drone hesitated a bit before murmuring a 'sure'. but it didn't seem like they wanted to go anywhere yet. so they stayed there hugging each other for a bit before j spoke up again.

"you.. you ready to go now.?" j asked as she looked at the little drone

the child nodded, tightly holding onto j's hand. j smiled at the kid and picked them up gently. j then soon walked out of the little hiding space the kid was in and looked down at the child she was holding

"hold on tight, it'll be a bumpy ride." j said as she opened her wings and spread them, getting ready to fly off

the child nodded and buried their head in j's neck and held on tightly. j patted the kids back and flew off.


~Timeskip and 2nd pov~

you held onto dear life as j flew into the air. of course, you didn't know where she was taking you. all that you could've think of that she could take you to her base and murder and eat you! but... j seems, kind. guess she seems trustworthy..

anywho, and j lands, she gently puts you down and as you look around you, all you could see is the snowy ground, a weird wall thing, and a sort of ship?

you and j started walking towards the pod and she helped you up gently into the ship. as you got into the ship, she climbed up herself and let you inside.

"how do you like it?" j asked, looking at you with a soft smile

all you just did was smile back and nodded, you weren't really a talker, even with your parents you still weren't that much of a talker. you were quiet. but that wasn't a problem at all, and j didnt mind it either

you sat down on a chair and looked at the buttons, curious of if they work or not

"the buttons don't work, so your free to just press and mess around with the buttons" j said as she noticed you looking curiously at the buttons

you look at her and smile, you then look back at the buttons and hesitated a bit before bringing your hand up to one of the buttons and pressing it. like j said, nothing happened, and you smiled. you then continue to just keep pressing the buttons and starting to giggle

j looked at you with a warm smile, enjoying how much your having fun and smiling.

and from then on, just has been like a mother to you and will protect you and teach you as much as she can. as time goes on, you eventually started to warm up to j and started talking more. she seemed like a better parent figure then your old ones

you too also grew some bonds with n and v and saw them as your aunt and uncle.😄 life was great with them and you know what to do without them by

a/n: WOOWEEEEEEEE IM DONE:D i honestly loved this chapter, j is underrated and needs more respect and screen time despite how much of a bitch she is lol, she still needs some love. anyways hope yall enjoyed this. i'll see you soon you little shits. LOVE YA BABES😻

words: 992

~𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬/𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬/𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬!~ {[𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃]}Where stories live. Discover now