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a/n: i cannot believe that its christmas eve already... so take this christmas special:3

nobody requested this so ya— btw yall need to start requesting or i'll be dead for a long while and take longer to write>:(/hj

You're a DD! and are GN! in this story! and yall get to stay in the bunker, why? cause ur special🥰 meaning you get your own house/room to yourself, jk you share it with v and n, except you get the big room>:) also your immune to the sun❤️

~Your POV~

as you sleep, you start to feel a weight resting on your chest. as you squirm under that weight trying to get it off, but it doesn't budge.

you try to pry it off but still it doesn't work, so at this point you kinda just have up and let it rest there. that was, it started wriggling and started to tickle you awake.

you let out a tired groan and scrunch up into a ball as you try to squish the hands that are tickling you, but that don't work.

you start to giggle as you still try to pry the hands away but they won't go away. soon, the room starts to fill with giggles and laughs. the laughter starts to get louder to where you were just in a laughing fit.

"ok! ok!! i'll get up! j-just stop! stopp!!!" you said in between laughs as the person tickling you gets off.

you open your eyes to find out it was two people, n and uzi!

"glad your finally awake sleepyhead! now cmon, v's waiting for us outside" uzi said as the gets off of n, who's laying ontop of you.

n softly strokes your (h/l), (h/c) hair (if ur bald then pretend you have pretty luscious hair) and played with it for a bit before getting off of you and holding his hand out for you to grab.

you grab n's hand as he pulls you up to your feet (or pegs or sum idfk) and lead you to your living room where v is laying on the couch and blowing bubbles.

"finally, there you are. took ya a while to wake up" v complained as she sat up from the couch and looked at you

"i just wanna sleep, that such a crime?" you chuckled at her

"i mean, its christmas eve so—" "WAIT IT IS?!" you cut v off, very surprised cause you thought yesterday was the 21st

"oh my robo-god.." you murmured as you looked around your little home, it was a bit sad since it only had a few lights and a small tree with no presents under it and only some ornaments on it, no star or tree skirt, but it did have some lights built in it

I GOTTa LOOK FOR DECORATIONS AND GET PRESENTS" you panic as your wings emerge from your back and you shoot through your roof in a rush.

the trio just look up at the roof in confusion as v opens her mouth to say something

"but we already have decorations here? v thought out loud and looked over at a box full of other christmas decorations, guess yall forgot about it


s you start to fly off, you see something flash at the corner of your eye. you look down at it and see its a worker.

'oil... it'll be a good present for v and n..'  you thought to yourself as you dive down to where the worker drone is.

~Third POV~

(y/n) dove down and landed in front of the drone. the worker looked up at them in fear as (y/n) drew out their blade and impaled the poor worker. (i dont feel bad—🤫)

as (y/n) finished up toying with the worker, they bleed out the worker and drained all the oil into a baggie/jar you pulled out of no where.

(y/n) tighten the baggie/jar and put it somewhere.
(more or less in a pocket or if you carry a bag. if you dont have any of those, then you could js pretend you have a small storage space built into your model or sum).

(y/n) then go looking around for a present for the little angsty emo worker.

they figured that she would want another beanie, but you decided against that, instead, you decide to just find her a sweater somewhere.

probably 30 minutes passed and (y/n) is still looking for a sweater for uzi, that is, until they bump into someone in the sky.

"wah i'm so sorry! i didnt see you there and—" a female voice said as she looks at (y/n)

"who are you?" (y/n) asks, the female looks at them for a moment before fleeing off and saying merry christmas.

'that was weird..?' they thought to themselves as (y/n) continues to search for a sweater for uzi.

meanwhile, back with the trio. v sent n out to go look for a bigger tree while she and uzi start decorating the house and wrap some presents (surprise you shits they got you something🤫)

n arrives back to the house with a tree over his shoulder. uzi directs him to go put it in the previous corner where the smaller tree was before.

n did as told and placed the tree down. the trio then started to put ornaments and some lights on the tree and waited for (y/n) so they could put on the tree topper.

about an hour passed and (y/n) comes back with a box full of stuff, some of the things in there are the presents and some decorations. but as soon as (y/n) entered the house, their jaw dropped.

they came home to see a neatly and pretty decorated home and a larger tree with no tree topper (or star whatever you wanna call it). welp, no need to put the other decorations up anymore.

"welp" a voice spoke up "how do you like it?" uzi said as she looked over at you.

"its.. its amazing!!!" (y/n) beamed, almost dropping their box in their hands in the process.


the four were hanging out, talking, and having an absolute blast that night. (this is my tradition where every christmas eve we open one present then the next day is Christmas and we open up the rest of the presents, ya get the idea?)

soon enough, they all sit around the tree and exchange one gift to each other. when you all open the presents, you open yours to find a (f/a) plushie and a beanie!!

for n, its a card and a small dog plushie! for uzi, its a new beanie and a keychain. for v, its a workers head (could probably know who gave that) and a santa hat!

soon after opening gifts, you cuddling with your stuffy and wearing your beanie as the others cuddle as well (except for v she's just munching on that worker head).

but a bit later, yall just decide to watch a christmas movie and cuddle with each other. v was bored and fell asleep right away.

uzi got bored too but was awake a bit and the fell asleep on (y/n). n however stayed up with them and snuggles against them. when the movie is over, (y/n) have three sleeping drones on them.

they then just decide to fall asleep with them. soon, they turn sleep mode on and fall asleep with the three drones they adore most...


a/n: its literally minutes away from christmas for me (its 11:29pm) so yay! merry christmas and a happy new year babes!!!! i'll see ya next time and hope you enjoy reading this!

words: 1319?! (wowza more then what i usually write!

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