-𝒲𝒟!💛 𝓍 𝒲𝒟!💛-

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a/n: this is an WD! V x WD! N story! i live these teo angj isnkxmsjxksnxkdn AHHHHH im also sorry this took so long:((

requested by: (I FORGOR IM SO SORRY😭)


~Third POV~

n was walking down the hall as he encountered a few people on the way. he had a plate and collected the people's empty drinKs to clean the cups and refill them.

that was, until he ran into a rushing worker. the worker he ran into apologized and rushed off. making n not knowing who ran into him. he just shrugged It off and continued waLking to the bar.

v, who is assisting a human, bowed to them and walked off. the two weren't looking where they were going and ran into each other, causing them both to falL.

n dropped the tray of cups and his eyes hallowed out as he quickly tried to collect the broken and unbroken cups, v was quick to do the same.

"i-i'm so sorry—"
"sorry— i wasn't looking..—"

both workers grab one of the cups at the same time. their fingers touch and a spark appears.
the two look up at eacH other in a slight rush with blush marks appearing on their visors.

they both smile at each other as n opens his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by j kicking his head with z following shortly behind with an upset face.

"moron bot.." j scowled as z grabs her shoulders and pulls her away from poor n.

"leave him alone, j. what did he do wrong?" z frowns as she glances at v looking scared and concerned for n.

"he's stupid thats what! he dropped those expensive glasses and their all broken!! he's clumsy and stu— hiii tessa!~ oh no... another one?" j cuts herself off as she senses another's presence in the room with her.

z, v, and n all look over at the girl, her appearance unknown. only bright, white, eyes... staring at the four with a small worker in the back holding onto the girls leg. she steps out a bit and stares at the other four workers in front of her. the worker smiles a sinister smile..

n looking at her with slight discomfort. v notices this and crawls over towards n and pats his back in an attempt to comfort him.

"guys, i want you to meet*****"

he looks over at v and smiles, he puts a hand up onto her head and pats it slightly. v blushes at this action and leans more into his touch.

the talking in the background muffled out. v and n are focused on each other and nothing else, they don't notice the talking has stopped because of this.

"someone get them a room"


"what?! i'm just saying" j huffs as z slaps the back of her head.


this seemed to get the two out of their trance and pulled away from each other. they blushed in embarrassment as z and tessa had amused looks on their faces while j had an annoyed one. **** just had a smile plastered on her face as she continued staring menacingly at them.

"s-sorry..." n apologized and stood up, holding a hand out for v to take.

v politely took his hand and lifted herself up with the help of n.

"t-thanks n.."

"no problem.."


"J SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" z would again slap j in the back of her head.



a/n: hey babes, srry this seemed rushed😅 i just wanted to get this out cause i haven't updated in a whi𝓁ᵉ. so yea, anyways i'll see you in the next update, see yᵃ

𝓌ℴ𝓇𝒹𝓈: ⁶1𝟗

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