𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄: peaches

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"I think it's best if we move on from this part of our lives."

Fuck her.

He leaned back against his balcony, watching the rainfall. He blew out a puff of smoke, the city was still busy and obnoxiously loud. Law couldn't manage to get a wink of sleep. With the cars' blaring honks and the flashing lights on the streets, he needed a breath of fresh air. Clearly, smoking wasn't going to help with that. But, it's better than being sad in his room all night.

He hasn't smoked in two years. Oh well, it's not like she's here to criticize him. He can do what he wants without her lurking on his shoulder constantly telling him what to do.


He turned around, hearing the glass door slide open, "What?"

"It's the middle of the night," Luffy rubbed her eyes, "Why are you still awake?"

He dropped the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it, "Nothing, just having trouble sleeping."

"Oh..." She pondered and smiled, "Want me to make you a glass of milk?"

She's so dense, a glass of milk isn't going to knock him out. Nor is it going to make him any taller, he's already tall enough. He walked past her and fell back onto his bed as he shut his eyes. Maybe if he forced himself asleep he could wake back up into her arms again. He mindlessly had his eyes shut and tried to calm his body down, he then felt a weight sinking next to him in the bed.

He opened his eyes a little, Luffy wasn't cuddling on him. But she was snuggled in a blanket next to him. She knows how he feels about cuddling sometimes, he can be bipolar with it. Somedays he wants his space so he can properly sleep, other times he wants to feel the warmth and comfort of a breathing body in his arms. Luffy can tell it was one of those "I want my own space" days. She knew him well, but Law didn't think so.

He wasn't stupid, he could clearly tell she had feelings for him.

Despite, clarifying their "relationship" before they even started dating. He can tell since day one that she's always wanted him. The way her Bambi-like eyes gaze at him like he's God or something. She simply adores him, blushing every time his name is brought up. But she's clueless, airheaded, and immature.

Love and relationships demand too much commitment, something Law isn't ready for right now. He wants to be alone, but also do as he pleases with a woman. For a temporary time though, he stared at the ceiling. If Law were to start dating again, he'd be looking for something more mature, calm, and intelligent. Someone he can talk to on an intellectual level and get along with when talking about his personal tastes.

Luffy is too sweet for that, she loves candy, rambling about nonsense, and is constantly loud. Law likes his woman quiet, who's reserved and enjoys his tastes of black coffee and fine food. Yeah sure, Luffy is attractive though he must say. The way she bends over his bed and the sounds she makes as he fucks her sloppy are angelic, but sex is only temporary. He isn't willing to be in a full-fledged relationship with her just cause she sounds and looks like a hot pornstar.

This was only for fun, not seriousness.

Law hoped the girl would stop fawning over him and just have a normal friends-with-benefits relationship. He turned over to her, watching the way she slept. She was peacefully sleeping, her round eyes closed, the specks of freckles on her cheeks, and her small button nose she had. He saw her lips open slightly as she breathed in through her nose and out of her mouth. He did somewhat enjoy this part though, how calmly she slept.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now