𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄: the beginning

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the beginning


Law hated going to the farm.

It was messy and a giant pigsty, he never knew why his mother wanted to own one. Nonetheless a public one, but his parents loved to find a way to turn their hobbies into money makers. This farm they had was opened to the public to purchase orchids, flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Law's family was like any other rich family that wanted to seem donating and charitable, but it was also another money-making scheme underneath it.

"Yes! Let's make a nice home farm open to people to purchase as they think we grow these products ourselves when it's really our servants and farmers we pay!"

However, the family still had to show their faces now and then. Especially in the spring and summer seasons when most people come. Law hated this time of the year, it was too boring. The only thing he enjoyed was picking peaches from the peach tree. He walked down the crop farm, it was stunning the way all the peach trees lined up and were ready to pick from.

That's when he saw her. His soon-to-be soulmate.

Love at first sight, something Law thought only existed in movies. Yet, no one could explain to him the feelings he felt when he laid eyes on her. How could he see someone and immediately have feelings for them? There she stood, a girl with pale milky skin and long silky black hair. She had the most gorgeous crystal blue eyes. He never knew such a beauty could exist. Despite her tall height, she still couldn't manage to reach the peaches above her.

"Need some help?" Law smiled.

"Hm? Do you think you could help? You're around the same height as me." She joked.

"I'm an inch taller, I think that helps a lot." He laughed, "I'm a good jumper too."

He jumped and managed to grab three peaches from the tree. She nodded in impression, "Very well done... I'm surprised."

"Suprised how? That I'm taller?"

"I'm surprised how handsome you are." She winked, "Are you from around here?"

"Yeah, you could say that, my family owns the farm."

"So you're a farmer?"

"Oh god no, we pay people to take care of this farm. My family's actual business is in the city, we own a hospital." He explained.

"I see, very successful." She smiled, "My family recently moved here from Japan, you should show me around sometime."

"Why not right now?" He asked, "There are many great restaurants around here."

"Are you suggesting we go together?"

"Maybe I am," He handed her the peaches, "Let's go out for dinner, my treat."

"That sounds nice."

"I'll meet you here tonight then."

She grinned, "I'll be in touch."


Robin was possibly the best thing to ever happen in Law's life. They were the most compatible people ever. She loved every single food Law loved too. They listened to the same classical music, watched the same movies, read the same books. She was his ideal woman, she understood him. Whatever he was feeling for some reason she knew how to make him feel better and cheer him up. She was mature and had great manners, she was classy and elegant.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now