𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎: struggle

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"What the fuck are you saying, you're going to throw away all of this? Me?!" Law shouted at her.

Robin sighed, "I just can't see this relationship progressing any further. We both like, want, and think of different things. There's no more compatibility between us."

"I know we can make this work, we've been dating for so long...." He held her hand, "I-I want to get married to you, but it's..."

"Too much effort? Too much commitment? Too much time?" She finished his sentence, "That's the problem with you Law, you never want to settle down."

"That's not true."

"We're not going to be in college forever, we're going to have jobs, have a family, and be married. You'll have to settle down eventually." She explained, "I want a guy who's more serious, who wants a serious relationship."

"I can be that guy! I promise! Let's just go out to dinner and forget all about this."

"No! You're doing it again! When I want to talk about something serious and important you put it to the side— It's like you don't care at all!" She yelled.

Robin froze as she collected herself, looking away from him. Law stood still as he watched her grow distant, although she was right in front of him she felt so far away now. She took one last breath.

"I think it's best if we move on from this part of our lives."

Law gasped as he sat straight up, his breath hyperventilating as there were bullets of sweat going down his forehead. His chest heaved as the room felt tighter. Shit, why does he keep having the same dream. He looked around the room, anime posters on the wall, a desk with unfinished homework on top of it, and laundry scattered around the floor. He was in Luffy's dorm, he looked at her sleeping beside him. She slept without a care in the world, her mouth covered in drool as her arms were tangled in a mess.

He needed a smoke, he got off the bed and went over to his bag. He dug around it, desperately searching. He took the box of cigarettes out only to find it was empty, no more. He cursed and threw the box across the room as he sat on the floor. Where did he go wrong? He still felt so lonely even after months of their break up.

Luffy groaned as she rose, "Hmm?... Law? What are you doing sitting on the floor?"

"I can't sleep."

"Oh you poor thing," She sympathized, "Come here."

Normally, Law would feel embarrassed. A girl younger than him, treating him like a baby and acting as his mother. But in the state that he's in, he'll take any comfort he could get. He went back over to her bed as he crawled into her arms. He rested his head on her chest as she held him close like a teddy bear. He felt her soft hand caress the back of his head and her other hand stroking his back. She nuzzled her chin at the top of his head.

"There, there, it's okay." She assured.

He felt like a stupid child like he had wet the bed and had a nightmare. Now he's being cradled by his mommy as he sucks on his thumb. It was stupid, but Law liked this stupidness. He liked the babying and attention. He buried himself into Luffy's arms as he held onto her. Fuck, the moment he wakes up tomorrow he will actually kill himself out of humiliation.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now