Couldn't Stay Quiet (Lemon🍋)

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When I reached Bakugou, he grabbed my wrist and ran into the next room, quickly shutting the door.
What's happening? He's acting weird.
The room was designed in a strange way. There was a bed, a whole kitchen and a desk or office or lab or whatever, all of it in one room. I wondered how all of that could fit into a normal building.
"Do you live here?", I asked, pointing at the bed.
Bakugou nodded and sat down in an armchair.
And then I realized that he was hugging his legs and not looking at me.
Is he scared of me?
"Bakugou." I walked up to him, and he flinched, but didn't move in any other way.
I sat down on the ground to look at his face.
"Can you talk?"
And then, to my surprise and shock - Bakugou shook his head.
"What did he do to you."
He buried his face in his arms.
"Bakugou!" I snatched his arm and pulled it up. He looked at me in surprise.
"What did this guy do to-"
A tear dropped onto Bakugou's arm.
Holy shit. He's... crying. Bakugou, our strongest student, is crying.
"U-uuuh... I'm sorry." I let go of his arm. He buried his face in his arms again, quietly sobbing into them.
"You need to answer some questions. I just wanna know if I can help."
Bakugou shook his head.
"...So I can't? But... Why don't you just blow him up with your quirk?"
Bakugou's eyes got even more sad, absolutely hopeless. He made some limp gestures.
"...Right, yes or no questions."
I thought about the questions I could ask.
"Is he too strong?"
Bakugou shook his head, then nodded, then shook his head again.
"Yes or no?"
He nodded.
"Is that the only reason, though?"
Bakugou shook his head rapidly.
"Okay, something else... He weakened you."
Bakugou looked up, his eyes wide, and nodded like crazy.
"O-okay. What did he do? Did he hurt you?"
To my surprise, Bakugou shook his head, then nodded again.
"So that's kind of right? I thought he was just torturing you all the time."
Bakugou nodded.
"Does he torture you?"
Another yes. I was confused.
"...What exactly does he do? Could you... like-"
The door swung open.
"Kirishima", Jigoku said, appearing in the room. "Your visit's over. Go."
"What did you do to my friend?", I hissed.
Jigoku laughed. I stood up and took a step.
Silence. I slowly turned. Bakugou had said that.
"I thought you couldn't speak."
"Don't worry. He'll get into some bad trouble for it", Jigoku said. "Now come on. Before I decide I shouldn't let you out of here alive."
Bakugou quietly pushed me forward.

(Bakugou's POV)

I watched quietly as my ray of hope disappeared out of my sight.
What did I do? Why did I say something? Fuck... FUCK!!!
And I cried in front of Shitty Hair like a fucking baby!
Tears rolled down my face.
Jigoku came back into the room, and I moved on my own. I jumped off of the armchair and ran, all the way to the wall, turning towards him. If he was going to try and grab me, I'd run to the side.
"You can talk now, Katsuki. Honestly, your teacher kinda pissed me off. And you said a word. You know what that means."
Okay. Say something brave, show him that you're not scared of this motherfucker.
"...No, I... Come on, it was just one word, please..."
Jigoku's hand reached out, and I ducked under it and ran.
"Did you forget that I have full control over this place, Katsuki?", he shouted from behind.
The door suddenly came closer faster, at if I was running forty miles per hour. I stopped and shielded my face as the door and wall hit me on their own, catapulting me through the room.
I would've hit the wall if Jigoku hadn't caught me in mid-air. His arms pressed me against him, so that I couldn't move an inch. There was no escape.
The wall moved back to it's original shape as Jigoku turned me around to look at me.
"Please...", I whispered, crying uncontrollably, "please don't... There has to be something else... I'll do anything..."
I was crying and begging like the biggest wimp. I felt like shit, like a coward. And hell, I didn't care. I was scared.
I couldn't read Jigoku's eyes. Then the lights went out.
He dropped me, and I yelped as I fell to my knees. I tried to stand up, but his hands pressed my shoulders down.
"There you go. That's what you can do instead."
For a second, I was confused. Then I realized.
He wants me to suck his...?

(Skip to end of chapter if you don't like this👍)

"And if I feel your teeth, we're switching to the usual procedure", he growled, unzipping his pants.
Fuuuck. This is so embarrassing...
Hesitantly, I pulled down his pants and boxers.
I could barely see what came out, but it was huge. It was bigger than what it had felt like last time.
Jigoku's inpatient sigh made me flinch.
"G-Got it."
I leaned forward, licking his tip hesitantly, pre-cum sticking to my tongue.
Then I sucked it. Slowly, I moved forward, licking him while closing in.
My face was probably red, and I could feel the rest of my dignity and pride leaving my body.
I felt his hand on the back of my head.
"Good job... Keep going...", Jigoku whispered, pushing me a bit forward, and to my surprise, he sounded a little breathless.
He's... enjoying it. Dammit. This is the most humiliating thing I've ever done.
I kept going. His tip hit my throat. I gagged, but took in the whole thing, tears welling up in my eyes.
Then I really started, moving my head back and forward, licking him in circles. When I hit a certain spot with my tongue, he groaned a little. I hit it again, making him groan and grab my hair, pushing me forward with force. I gagged again and kept going, trying to suppress my tears.
He started groaning quietly with every move I made, and it aroused me. I felt weirdly proud that I was good at it, even though I was still dying from embarrassment at the same time.
I could feel my erection, and even moaned quietly.
Finally, he came in my mouth with a last groan, his dick twitching. I tried to pull my face away, but his hand pushed me forward again.
"No, no, no", he said in a warning tone, catching his breath, "you're not spilling a single drop. Swallow."
I could almost hear the cruel grin on his face as I licked the salty liquid off of his tip and swallowed it.
Finally, he let go of me, and I quickly pulled away from him, so far that I fell onto my butt. Jigoku, who had gotten dressed in a split-second (idk how bruh just imagine it for the logic PLEASE), sat down in front of me, pulling me towards him by my legs. They were on his shoulders, and he played around with the edge of my pants.
"Wha- what are you doing?", I asked. Is he gonna fuck me? Did he feel my teeth?
"Don't worry. Just playing around. But damn...", he answered, suddenly touching my crotch, "you were enjoying it, too, weren't you. I mean, look at that."
He gently stroked my tip with his thumb. I covered my mouth to hide my moans, but I was still loud.
"S-stop, I - ah - hate you."
"If you did, you wouldn't already be like this just from me touching you through your pants."
"Sh-ut up." I looked up, which was pretty much the easiest way for me not to see him, since I was lying on my back.
His hand slid under my shirt, touching my belly and chest.
Then he let go of me and left the room, leaving me alone, crying, aroused, angry and confused, with cum covering my chin.

(Eh-heh-heh... I hope you liked this chapter... I'm really bad at writing porn, sorry (ngl I'm actually not the type of person to enjoy this myself but I wanted to make the story interesting and not always just anal sex, but I kept cringing while writing this chapter) Also there will be a storyline, it just... progresses slowly. BB you horny bitches, ILYSM)

(Edited the story afterwards)

To Crush His Pride (Villain Deku x Bakugou🍋)Where stories live. Discover now