Two very gay young men (Lemon 🍋)

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(Reminder: Things in brackets are my notes)

"It was an accident, please!"
I stepped away from Jigoku, tears running down my face.
Jigoku didn't move from the place he had teleported to.
"I'll make up for it! I don't know how, but you can ask me something and I'll do it!"
"Katsuki, I-"
"Just please don't hurt me again-"

I flinched. He was suddenly standing right in front of me and was holding onto my arms.
"Shut up and listen. This wasn't your fault for once. I saw your face when you got dragged away. And your friends think I'm going to torture you now, and feel bad. I punished them, not you."

I blinked at him, not understanding.

"And to think you'd stand up for your friends like that... That's new...", he muttered.

No. What? But that's... so unlike you... Why would you spare me? You want to make me miserable. Right?

I couldn't say anything, so I just hugged him. He let out a surprised noise and laughed.
"Now what're you doing? What, you getting Stockholm Syndrome or something?"

(Author's note: yes)

I backed away, wiping my tears.
I'm not, but I don't wanna get raped again, so I'll act like I like you.
"I'll go take a bath, if you don't mind."

"Actually, let's go together."

I looked at him emptily (is that a word???).

"Come on, that's normal (here in Japan). Nothing intimate. If you're gonna use the onsen, you'll have to expect other people there."

Well, he's not wrong.

"Before we go, drink this. You're a bit dehydrated from all the running and crying."
Out of nowhere, he handed me a can of... lemonade?
I stared at him, skeptical.

"Is this poison?"

"Heh. Yeah, sure. I'm not done with you yet, so I won't kill you."

I nodded slowly.

The lemonade tasted pretty normal to me. Maybe he really just cared about my physical health. Though... I was a little dizzy now, wasn't I? Was I imagining things? Probably the dehydration he was talking about.

A few minutes later, I was in the bath, sitting across of Jigoku in a very dimmed room. I could see the contours of his muscles and countless scars that covered his body. His hair was slightly fluffy and black, which was something I hadn't even known before.

I like it. Reminds me of Deku... Hold on, WHAT AM I THINKING?!

"I think your muscles have shrunk, Katsuki. They're smaller than mine."

"You've just got too much muscle and too little brains. Of course my muscles are smaller than yours. Your build is ridiculous. And you're really heavy, too, you know that? Everything about you is too big. Your muscles, your hands, your, uh..."

I trailed off, suddenly remembering that thing.

Apart from the memory of pain, something else entered my mind: A strange feeling coming from my lower belly.

But I never noticed that before this moment!

"You're blushing."

"That's because it's warm in here!"

I shifted nervously.

"Why are you covering up your front now, then?"
Jigoku teleported, popping up next to me.
Staring at my crotch.

"Stop!", I shouted, elbowing his chest.

Unbothered by my attack, he shifted to my ear and asked:

"Do you need help with that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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