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fourth's pov:-

    gem..immediately got out of the room..i can see that he is completely did i end up like this...damn....i fell on to ground and started crying...

i went to take a shower...and looking at all these marks on my body...ive felt ashamed of myself...why did i end up here...whats with this....i started crying...i couldnt help but remember phi'gem
face...he must be ashamed of me....

i slowly opened the door..and looked at him but he didnt look at me...he started walking away and i followed him...he got in the car...but he didnt open the door for me..
i deserve it for hurting him...i thought to myself....but damn why these tears...i just couldnt bring myself to look at him..

after that incident...phi distanced himself from me for three days...i couldnt help but cry...he had become pale....iam worried about him...he is not sleeping beside can i live without him...
i cried till midnight...and its when he came back but he is drunk...and tipsy...while he was about to fall i immediately caught him.. careful...i held him and led him to sit on the couch..

fourth???you are fourth right??he said in a drunk tone


fourth...i love you the most....fourth...did you hear me i love you he started crying..

and i cried too..

i love you too phi...i said while crying..

but...i just couldnt help but remember about that fourth...iam sorry but whenever i look at you...i remember him and you on the bed and those marks..these thoughts are just killing me...he said while crying..

so thats what he is thinking...i cried..while pressing my lips..

its haunting me to look at you fourth... whenever I remember you before I used to have a smiling picture of yours in my mind...but nowadays he is with you in my thoughts....what should i do....he cried..

and its when i realised how iam hurting him...he deserves better not a slut like me....

phi...iam sorry iam extremely sorry phi..i cried while holding his hands..and he is crying while asking me what to do..

phi..its not you who have to do something...but me..i thought to myself..

i cant haunt him like this..i thought to myself..and when he drifted to sleep..i slowly covered him under blanket and kissed him..while my tears are dropping on his face...
iam sorry phi..i dont deserve you....and thats the last kiss of ours....

gemini's pov:-

  i woke up with a heavy headache...ive been drinking allot now a days.. and i went out to see fourth...even though iam not talking to him...but still he is the only one i want to see everyday when i woke up..

I went to his room but he is not there..ive checked his bathroom but he is not there too...and i tried to call him and its when there was a text from him

"phi...iam sorry..I always wanted to be the best for you...but instead became the worst person you have ever met right??iam sorry phi...iam extremely sorry phi....i collapsed all our dreams...but please forgive me...
i dont know how we turned up like this....but still I love you the most too phi...i really doo...please dont question my love....and i dont wanna hurt you anymore even though I wanted to be ill take a leave phi...from your baby....."

i couldnt stop crying reading this....and after that day i haven't  heard anything about him....nor seen him...

and mom was really worried about she asked me to mary namtan..

mom....she is my friend...please..

but she likes you gem....please marry her atleast for me...she begged me...and she even catch my i accepted to marry namtan...because i know fourth will never come back to me..i know how stubborn he is..
even though namtan loves me allot i couldnt reciprocate her can i do it..when the person i love is not with me..the only thoughts in my head are how he is??did he eat?is he good?

Slowly the time had passed but my love for him didn't.....I want to know about him I wanna talk to him...but I wonder if he still remember me....

And also my mom had been pressuring me for a baby...I tried to sleep with namtan for her sake but I just couldn' can I??? I still remember him..and I know iam hurting namtan too....she seems devastated...iam sorry...that's all I could say...even though I've seen her eyes watering.. I went out.

But I heard something when I got back to home it's namtan and mom's voice...

Mae...I tried everything but how can I make him mine...he is like this he still like can I go on like this...namtan cried while telling to mom...

But what surprised me the most is...what mom said afterwards...

Nam...we have come this far...we got rid of fourth...and still how can you miserably fail to get gemini!?mom asked her..

What!????getting rid of fourth..!??I didn't barge into home as I've to hear some more.. still's your have given  enough time for make him take this drug...maa handed her a drug...

Really!?????I couldn't believe whatever is happening here...what did they do with fourth....!???

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