Chapter 4: Harry Potter it is

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She had no idea what time it had been when Michelle dropped her off. Way past midnight maybe? And it had definitely been way more than just a few drinks. But you know what they say?

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Damnit!

She intended to give her friend an earful about it, but she was just as guilty for allowing herself to be dragged into it.

She woke up with a pounding headache, groaning when she realized it pulsated in sync with her phone buzzing on the nightstand. She slightly peaked from under her blanket, slapping the nightstand until she finally grabbed the phone, seeing the screen light up with the contact name, DEE ANNOYING.

"What?!" she barked into the phone, feeling her mouth dry and a wave of nausea hitting her suddenly.

"It's 8." Said groggy voice on the other line.

She smirked at what she heard and to her satisfaction, Michelle sounded just as bad as her, if not worse. She peaked over at the clock on the wall. It really was 8. Rage surged through her, only managing to make her nausea worse.

"So what if it's 8?! Ugh! I swear to God Michelle Dee, I'm going to kill you for waking me up this early! You're the reason why I had headache now and you're the reason why it worsen!" She threatened her, though her voice groggy and not at all convincing. But as soon as she sobered up, that girl will be in so much trouble for waking her up so early after the crazy night they'd had, she thought.

"Exam," was all Michelle could reply, making her frown a bit.

Exam? What the hell was she—

"Ohhhhh... What?! Oh shit. Shit. Gotta go. Bye!"

As the realization dawned over her, she hung up and jumped out of bed, sobering up almost instantly. Her head was still hurting, but the nausea had been overrun by sheer panic. She run to the shower, wet herself in a good amount and went out as fast as she could, dressed up as quickly as possible, grabbing her bag and notes and hoping she could at least review some of the points on her way.

Oh Dear God! I almost missed it again. I swear, I will going to kill...

But on second thought, she let her mind drift away to earlier. Michelle was just as much of a dead walking as her, probably a little bit worse for the wearing, judging by how she'd sounded on the phone. But then she'd called her to remind her of the exam, knowing she was bound to oversleep again.

You mean, drunk Michelle had actually sobered up for at least half a second, set an alarm and had pulled through a deadly hangover just to call and wake me up?

The thought warmed her up inside in a way she never expected nor let herself feel on anyone. But it was safe with Michelle, right? They were friends now and it seems like she wasn't doing it because she was trying to score, she was doing it...

Well, I have no idea what her agenda but maybe, just maybe, she could allow myself to trust her just a bit. She earned it. She thought.

So she pulled out her phone before walking inside the room where she was supposed to take the exam and typed up a quick text.

Thank you for waking me up.

It wasn't much, but it was more than what she usually offered. For sure, Michelle would know that much. And her reply was quick to follow.

You're most welcome but my head is killing me. I need Advil.

She absentmindedly rolled her eyes as she typed back a response but surely unaware of how wide her smile was painting in her face while looking at her phone.

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