Chapter 17: Walking on an eggshell be like

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Neither she, nor Anntonia was the kind of person to celebrate monthsary, anniversary or whatever sapphic occasion a regular couple would celebrate. But when it actually came, she found herself giddy and excited. She didn't know whether Ann felt the same way, but she needed something to take them both to the start, to remind them what it was like to fall in love with each other instead of being lovers that constantly at each other's throats.

Granted, some days hadn't been the best since the incident happened on her birthday. They were always anxious around each other, like they were waiting for the smallest thing to trigger another fight. But it was evident that both of them were trying their best to go back to their rhythm, but for some reason it was just a bit harder than it was supposed to.

Like it was better said than done.

Knowing fully well that none of them were the romantic type, and things might have ended up with them shoved up her throat, she somehow found her in front of Anntonia's door, holding a bouquet of flowers. She didn't know what's the fucking name of them, but they weren't your typical mainstream red roses and they were white and they smelled nice, so it was good enough. At least that's what she thought.

She knocked twice and the girl immediately opened the door as her eyes landed straight on the flowers she was holding right in front of her face to hide her lame smile. Just because they were having a rough time sometimes didn't mean she wasn't crazy about her, and just because she was having a hard time with it being expressive didn't mean she wasn't dead set on making her girlfriend happy.

"What are these?" Anntonia eyed the flowers suspiciously.

She lowered them, giving her a feigned thoughtful look, too. Mirroring the furrowing shape of her eyebrows.

"Uhmm, you know, the Ate I bought them from could've sworn they're called flowers."

Anntonia rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. It was so evident in her fave that she couldn't hide that she found it cute, slightly exasperated but a loving smile. The one she really loved to see on her face everyday. So she enjoyed it, taking it in and holding on to it to keep her warm on the inside.

"You want me to shove them up in that smart mouth of yours, Michelle Dee?"

That made her laugh, and immediately stepped forward, kissing her in the lips and placing them in her hand. "You know what, Anntonia? The more you act like that, that more you look so romantic. I keep falling in love and there's no way of getting up." She let out a sarcastic remark but fear nothing about the girl being offended because they both have this dark humor.

Ann rolled her eyes again and wrinkled her nose, but still leaned in to smile at the flowers.

"Is this about stupid the stupid monthsary???"

"Yep! And we've been together for a year and two months. So, happy 14th, I guess?"

Well, to be fair, she knew they'd agreed not to celebrate that stupid tradition. They didn't need a special day to remind each other that they were in love. They could be in love every day. But as she laid in bed this morning, thinking about it, she realized it wasn't about the occasion. It was about the excuse. And she didn't mind an excuse to show Ann that she was still stupidly and embarrassingly in love with her.

Monthsary isn't that bad at all, she thought.

"Oh, wait! Am I right, Love? Is that really today?" She pretended to think. But turned confused at the looks that her girlfriend was offering her. Anntonia's eyes are narrowing at her.

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