3-Helping a friend

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I am right now in my apartment, and kinda simple don't get me wrongi like thing as simple as possible. The reasons for that because i don't really anything i want to bring except some of my books, laptop, my phone of course, some clothes. And if i need anything else i can just call that man and he will give me the thing i want.

Today is gonna our second day tutoring the Quintuplets and i must say it's quite headache. Each of them are different individuals with different personality, they are all unique in many different ways. If i only need to tutor one out of five it won't be problem but have to deal with five of them at the same time. You can probably guess it suck.

Althought have five beautiful girls around you is not that bad if you can ignore their bad personality.

Y/n: Haizz...

I sigh not knowing what to do, i just. Laying on my bed waiting for someone to text me, reach their hand to save me from dying in boredom. And like hearing my pray. It is Futaro's message say that he is on his way to their apartment so he telling me to prepare but thing he doesn't that i'm already here.

Y/n: He might ended up being drugged again. What should i while waiting him?

Y/n: Getting a nap sound good

With that thought in the head, i decided to take a nap but then my phone rang up. I groaned in pain as i looked up at my phone, it was Futaro.

Y/n: What is it Futaro?

Futaro: Where are you? I already at their front door and wait for you.

Y/n: Alright alright, i'll there in a minute.

Futaro: Be quick.

I leave my apartment as soon as he ended the call. Took everything that i think it's necessary with me and quickly make my way to the elevator. As i got inside, i pressed the Quintuplets's floor, the elevator slowly made its way. About few minute, the door opens, as i walked and met Futaro.

Futaro: You took your time huh?

Y/n: I have nothing to worry about, my apartment is here though.

Futaro: You know what, at first i was about to ask why you're here but it doesn't matter any more.

Y/n: Shall we?

Futaro: Yeah. And by the way they are doing their test right now.

Y/n: Oh.

I walked in and see that they seem to be having trouble with it. I then looked at the paper and see that they were surely easy questions.

Y/n: What's the passing score?

Futaro: Fifty. That's enough for them.

Y/n: Alright. Oh, and Futaro... you've gotten soft. This doesn't suit you at all.

I give him a smirk as Futaro flinches at my comment. He was about to hit me but I then blocked his attack.

Futaro: The thing that annoying me that you said that with your stupid poker face.

Y/n: Hey that's really hurt you know, i just bad at express my emotions.

Futaro: I can't really tell whether you're hurt or not with that face.

I then felt that the quints looking at us.

Y/n: You better focus. Futaro doesn't play nice when it comes to tests. But when it comes to games, he loses everytime.

I put him in a deadlock as I start giving noogie. He chuckles nervously as I just keep my smile on. I then look at the girls as they nod and continue their test.

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