i.capitol parties

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act one.
chapter onecapitol parties

chapter one,capitol parties

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    CORDELIA HATED THE CAPITOL'S PARTIES. Yet somehow she and Finnick always wound up invited to them. Along with another array of victors from previous years.

This party was specifically for the victory tour. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark had made their way through the districts and finally made their last stop at the Capitol. Cordelia along with Finnick and the other victors stayed inside whilst everyone gathered at the entrance to greet them.

The party was being held in the banquet room of Snow's mansion. It had a ceiling about forty feet high that had been decorated like the night sky. Cordelia normally liked watching the stars, but from seeing them in Snow's quarters she'd wish they'd burn out and hit her where she stands.

Because the fire is catching and maybe it'd burn the entire building too.

Cordelia normally wasn't one to express her opinions out loud. She'd keep them bottled in her head, letting them spiral until they took her down with them. Johanna on the other hand wasn't afraid to say her thoughts aloud.

"This party is a bunch of lovey-dovey bullshit. I mean seriously, having Snow announce their engagement tonight? It's ridiculous. I mean they've only spoken to one another for a few months."

Finnick leaned over to speak into the girl's ear. "Johanna, I thought we already established we all know their love story is fake."

"Doesn't mean I can't complain about it." Johanna retorts.

Cordelia smiles at the two of them, taking another sip of her drink. "Well, at least it keeps them alive."

Johanna glares at the girl. "I'd rather be killed in the arena than fake being in love with someone"

Cordelia laughs and wiggles her brows. "So you wouldn't be in love with me on camera to save your life?"

Johanna rolls her eyes, but Cordelia notices the small smile that tugs at her lips. "Maybe for you, I would."

THE HANGING TREE | peeta mellarkWhere stories live. Discover now