Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 — by KADowd

Sanju cracked xeir finger joints one at a time

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Sanju cracked xeir finger joints one at a time. The black glass of the building served as a mirror, casting back xeir image at xem while the stylized logo of TAS bathed the area in its violet luminescence.

The morning sunlight reflected off of the golden metal of H'ver's form as it spun to hoover before Sanju. "Why delay? Success of strategy at 83% probability. Acceptable risk."

"It's not the plan that worries me." Sanju brushed a hand along xeir crest.

H'ver titled on its axis before righting itself. "Skin tone spotting with orange, indicting Hiwjshi anger." H'ver dropped in altitude. "Not like plan?"

"It's not you. It's Makuy and xeir stubbornness to not bugger off." Sanju knew xeir elder would pounce on xem the minute xe entered. Makuy relished winning against Sanju. The plork was never satisfied with being the most elite tracker, but xe undermined Sanju's reputation and hijacked xeir missions every chance xe got.

H'ver rose back to eye-level. "Do not worry about rival. Previously discussed tactics will succeed." The droid opened a tiny compartment and partway ejected a thin disk from its body. "Audio recording, as requested."

Sanju pulled it out with the tips of xeir talon-like nails, palming it in xeir hand. Last night with H'ver, xe hatched this plan after the initial excitement of discovering a solid lead for finding amber had worn off. This hard evidence should aid xem in convincing xeir supervisor of xeir worth as an agent and to be assigned the mission to track the Human woman to Earth. H'ver was fast becoming a useful ally.

Xe stood straighter and strode toward the door. It swished open. Sanju paused on the threshold, looking back. H'ver had not moved from its position. "Aren't you coming?"

H'ver bounced a bit in the air as it spun in a tight loop. "Strategy required risk. TAS security system not appreciate method used to defeat rival. Deemed potential cybersecurity threat."

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