Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 — by johnnedwill

 "We will shortly be arriving at Talált Station

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 "We will shortly be arriving at Talált Station. Please gather your belongings and prepare to debark." The synthesised voice of the flight AI echoed through the shuttle's compartments and companionways. "Be prepared to present identification tokens to the transit authorities. Thank you for choosing 'Knife's Edge'." There was a chime from the PA system's speakers, and then the information was repeated in the various different forms of Standard.

Sanju raised xemself from the acceleration couch xe had been assigned for the journey to the Elveszett nexus. "Come on. Time to go," xe remarked.

H'ver's golden sphere emerged from a niche in the bulkhead next to Sanju. "Ready."

"Good." From outside the cubicle came the sounds of the other passengers making ready to get off the shuttle. There was the clamour of voices, the rattle of baggage being hefted out of storage units, the bustle of movement. Sanju reached out with a long arm to retrieve xeir pack. "I would like to get on board Talált Station as soon as possible. There is some business that I have to attend."

"Business? Clarification needed," H'ver responded.

Sanju's skin pigmentation shifted from xeir usual deep purple to a carmine-tinged hue — a colour that to those knowledgeable in hiwjshi biology indicated that xe was slightly annoyed. "Why do you ask?"

"Purposes of efficiency. Will I be required for business?"

"No." Sanju's colouration shifted towards the blue end of the spectrum. "But remain with me for now. Understood?"

H'ver took up station slightly behind Sanju's left shoulder. "Compliance."

Sanju emerged from the cubicle into the main companionway, H'ver following xem. The announcements from the ship had ceased, but the air was redolent with the tang of communication pheromones that the shuttle's air conditioning system had not yet absorbed. A ragged queue of sentients was forming, ready to get off the shuttle as soon as it docked. Sanju pushed in, ignoring the protests from the being behind xem.

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