💌After he got arrested and is in jail(end of movie)💌

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Personally, I think Velvet and Veneer would share a cell. Veneer would be sobbing about you while Velvet has a bored expression on her face, toning him out.

If you ever visited them, PLEASE bring them both gifts. Velvet would actually appreciate you more(if you get something she likes) and Veneer would love you even more(if possible).

When the siblings get taken away and walked to the vehicles that would transport them, you wanted to follow them, but the people who arrested them wouldn't let you.

You were so upset with the Trolls that you tried to drop kick one of them (Viva)💀
(And maybe even Crimp)

You would try to see Veneer every day, but sometimes the officers wouldn't let you, to which you yelled at them because of it.

You bought him a few gifts every two weeks. You got him some flowers, books(he wouldn't like reading, but he would still sob over how caring you can be), and most likely bracelets(he would wear them every day until it breaks off).

When he DOES get out of jail with Velvet, he's wearing the bracelet(s) you made him. You cried.


Hey! There's not a lot of words this time because I couldn't really think of anything lol, but bye!💌

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