💌break up.💌

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If you were obsessed with him, like REALLY obsessed, he would 100% dump you in the worst way possible. He likes the fact that your a fan and all, but it's just to much.

Honestly, he would try to look on the bright side and possibly tell Velvet how much of a fan you are. She would hear how much you care about him, and sarcastically agree for a moment before snapping at him.

'Oh, yeah, alright.. ARE YOU DUMB?'

If you were ever using him for money, Velvet would see right through you and tell Veneer immediately.

I feel like she has dated some men in her life just for the sake of money. Maybe in middle school she dated the richest kid in school and got gifts out of it👎

When Veneer found out, he just stood there, not knowing what to say or do. He loved you, but you didn't love him.

If you genuinely loved and cared for him, he wouldn't break up until fans started hating on you and you were bringing him down.

If he ever posted about you, fans would be swarming the comments like angry bees.

He wasn't happy. He loved you, but his fans were right. You were bringing him down and he needed to stay on the top for the sake of his sister and himself.

It's okay, though, you found someone else rather quickly. Honestly, I feel like he would regret it but not say anything. If he ever dated anyone else, he would imagine you. Not them.

If you were an awkward person, I feel like he would try to make small talk and fail immediately..

leading up to two weeks of dating then a whole lot of breaking up.


Idk.. this wasn't a request so it's just random🤷‍♀️ I don't think that this is going to be the end of the journey, but we'll see.😉

also side note:
Why are so many of my childhood crushes coming back to me? Not IRL crushes. LITERALLY DISNEY MOVIES☹️ main one being Harry Hook from descendants. I'm going insane.😭😔 ANYWAY bye everyone.💌

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