Part 2 - The First Lost Girl

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"Uhuh," was all she said as she looked around once again, really taking in the environment she was in. "Interesting place."

"Thanks, love," he smirked before realizing he never got her name. "You got my name but I never got yours."

"Oh, right, y/n," she smiled.

"Such a beautiful name for a beautiful young woman."

"Are you flirting with me, Mr. Pan?" She asked with a smirk, amusement in her voice.

"Maybe just a little," he smirked.

"Pump the breaks there, Pan, after all, we just met," she said, placing a hand on his chest as if setting a boundary. She left it there for a moment, catching him off guard, before retracting it with a sly smile. She walked toward the entrance, stopping right beside the door, gesturing to it as she said, "You gonna show me around Neverland?"

"Of course, darling! I thought you'd never ask," he beamed.

"And why do I get the feeling that even if I didn't ask, you would've showed me around anyways?"

"Well, you would be correct." Pan took a few strides towards y/n, stopping in front of her, extending out his hand for her to take. "So, what do you, princess. Up for a little adventure?"

Y/n smiled as she rolled her eyes playfully, placing her hand in his. "Lead the way, lover boy."

As Pan blushed at her nickname, they stepped out into Neverland's enchanting scenery. Hours passed as they walked and talked, dusk giving way to dawn. Pan couldn't help but smile at how she embraced the magic of Neverland, anticipating the adventures yet to come.

"We should head back," Pan suggested, realizing the time.

"Head where?" Y/n asked, unsure of his destination.

"Back to camp. I would like you to meet the lost boys."

"Alright, lead the way."

About half an hour or so and they entered camp. All eyes were on them, quiet whispers could be heard here and there, confusion etched onto their faces. Pan brought Y/n to the middle of the camp, everyone's attention still on the both of them.

"We have a special guest here, tonight, boys! Say hello to the first lost girl of Neverland!"

Y/n's eyes grew wide as the boys cheered and hollowed. She didn't know if they did that because they are actually welcoming her or just following Pan's orders, but none of that mattered to her. She was more concerned about the fact that Pan just named her a lost girl, the lost girl. She made eye contact with a young boy that looked at her in utter shock, it was clear to her that he was not a lost boy, or else he would be doing exactly what the others were doing. She turned her head slightly to Pan, whispering in his ear.

"May I have a word, in private?"

"Of course, darling," he gestured his hand out in front of him. "Lead the way."

They walked a few feet away from camp, stopping by a tree. She looked at him straight in the eyes, making it known she was dead serious and not fooling around.

"What the hell do you mean by I'm the first lost girl?"

"Well, straight to the point, I see," he smirked.

"Pan," Y/n says in a stern 'you better give me an answer' voice.

"Well, as you can see, there are only boys on this island," Pan smirked, gesturing to his camp a few feet away from them.

"I can see that. You know what I mean, Pan. Why the hell did you just name me a lost girl?"

"You're special. There's just something about you I can't exactly pinpoint but... I can just tell. You have this spark I don't see in anyone else."

Y/n's eyes grew wide, her heart completely at a stop before going back to a somewhat steady rhythm. She could feel something towards this boy but didn't want to admit it. Just hearing him say that alone, the hidden meaning behind his words....She knows they just met but she couldn't help but blush.

"We, um, we should probably return back to camp."

That's all she said, not being able to think of anything else, before walking back to camp, sitting on a nearby log. Pan stood there for a few seconds in deep thought. He did, in fact, notice the small blush on her face before she walked off. He smiled to himself thinking, could a villain like him really have a chance at a happy ending?

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