Part 7 - Home

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They all made it back to camp with no problem. The lost boys returned to dancing around the campfire. Y/n decided she wanted to continue reading her book, so that's what she did.

She sat against a nearby tree and read her book til she heard Henry groan. She looked up from the pages and looked at Pan kneeling on one knee, looking down at Henry.

"What happened?" Henry asked.

"Oh, you fell asleep."

"I did?"

"Oh, don't worry. It was just a little cat nap. The night's still young."

Pan looked at all the lost boys dancing around and then his gaze landed on his lost girl. He smirked, noticing that she was staring at him. She just gave him a smile and looked back down at her book.

Pans' attention went back to Henry. Y/n looked back up from her book and saw a depressed looking Felix sitting alone, tossing his blade in his hand. She decided to go and talk to him. So, she got up, closing her book, before walking over. She sat down next to him, staring into the fire.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, Im fine," Felix responded, taking a quick glance at the girl next to him before looking back at the fire.

"You don't look fine, but, if you don't wanna talk about it, that's okay, too." Y/n smiled at Felix, which Felix kindly returned.

"Why are you letting me off the hook so easily?" He inquired.

"Because....I know what it's like to want to be alone but don't get the chance to. I'd be doing fine til someone asks that one certain question and then I just....break...shatter into a million pieces."

A stray tear fell down her cheek, remembering all those times people broke her, backstabbed her, abused her. She wiped the tear away instantly before anyone could see. Little did she know, Felix saw and was about to say something when Peter got up and spoke.

"I'd like to play a song. A song for our guest of honor, Henry."

The second Pan put the pipe to his lips and blew into it, Y/n immediately heard the music. It was the most beautiful thing she's ever heard. Felix looked at her as she stared at Pan like a dear in headlights, but with stars in her eyes.

Felix lifted the corner of his mouth slightly, knowing that she heard the music. What she didn't know was that the pipe was enchanted so that only people who felt lost would be able to hear the music emitting from it.

When Y/n went back to all those times the people that she thought loved her let her down, she was at her most vulnerable. She, Indeed, felt lost, alone, that was til she heard the music. Now? She's never felt more at home.

One of the lost boys grabbed her hand, lifting her from her spot and spun her around. They dragged her into the circle they made around the campfire and started dancing around it.

She giggled and smiled, completely letting go. For the first time in forever she felt completely free. A lost boy tossed her two thick sticks, which she caught with ease. She, then, proceeded to bang the sticks together, just like the other lost boys were doing, as they all continued to dance around the campfire.

Unknown to Y/n, Peter watched her with a smirk on his face, knowing that he now has both Henry and Y/n in his grasp. He was, in fact, debating on whether to tell her the truth, to reveal everything. He knew they were meant to be so even if she did get mad, she would forgive him at some point.

He waited til she was right next to him and grabbed her arm, pulling her away. She let out a squeak, surprised. Peter took them to a nearby tree, away from everyone else.

"Woah, pump the brakes, Pan. What's going on?" Y/n asked, noticing his hesitance.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something." Peter paused, him saying her name surprised her. Usually he calls her nicknames, so it must be serious.

"What is it? What's going on?" She asked, concern in her tone.

"I'm dying."

"Damn, straight to the point, huh?"

"Y/n, I'm serious. Darling, I need help."

"Dying? But you look so young."

"I'm older than I look, darling."

"How old?"

"400, give or take."

"400?!" She exclaimed a little too loud which caused Pan to cover her mouth and pin her to the tree. "Sorry," she tried to say but it was muffled from Pan covering her mouth. He dropped his hand and placed it on her shoulder, allowing her to speak, her 'sorry' now fully audible.

"It's alright, darling." He stayed quiet, gazing into her eyes. He decided to continue to fill her in, hoping she won't be mad and hoping she'll help. "That's why I need Henry, I need his heart. To save magic, the And I need help."

"Why me?"

"I don't usually ask for help, darling. The lost boys just do what they are told. But I'm giving you a choice. If you walk away, I'll be sad but I'll understand. But if you decide to help me-"

"I will," she said as she stopped him from talking any further by placing a finger on his lips, a surprised look on his face. "I will help you...on one condition." She removed her finger, allowing him to speak.

"What is it, darling?"

"You teach me how to be you." As soon as those words left her lips, Pan smirked like a mad man.

"I'll teach you anything you want, darling."

"Then let the games begin," she smirked.

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