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As expected, the classroom was almost empty when Mitch and Kirstie entered. Most students were most likely recovering from a party night, just like Kevin and Avi.

"Good morning." said the teacher, Miss Jane, politely as they entered. "We have a new student today, did you hear?"

Kirstie and Mitch looked at each other in horror.

"We heard." said Kirstie finally. "I think we should warn you about him - he's a jerk."

"Kirst, don't say that." said Mitch.

"Why not? You saw how he was." said Kirstie. "I know you like to see the best in everybody, but..."

"I just... I have a feeling about him. I'm not sure how to explain it."

"You know, I think the two of you would make an adorable couple." said Miss Jane, smiling.

"Actually, I have a boyfriend." said Kirstie awkwardly.

"And I'm gay." Mitch added.

"Oh, you're gay?"

"You have to stop doing that." sighed Mitch, hand over his heart as he turned around to face the new student from earlier. "Yeah, I'm gay, what about it?"

"Nothing." shrugged the new student. "I am too, actually."

"Oh, that's cool!" said Mitch. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

The boy's face darkened. "Why do you want to know that?"

"No, don't take it the wrong way, I didn't mean it like that-"

The student huffed and turned away, slumping into a seat in the very back.


The bell finally rang, signaling the start of another day. Miss Jane clapped her hands and stood up.

"Alright! As you might have noticed, we have a new student joining us today! Would you be so kind to introduce yourself?"

The tall boy stood reluctantly, walking slowly to the front of the room. "Hi, I'm Scott."

"Welcome to the class, Scott." said Miss Jane, smiling warmly. "I'm sure all of us will be very welcoming, right, class?"

There was a collective mumble of agreement. Miss Jane grinned and patted Scott on the back.

"Very well, you may return to your seat. Now, turn to page 789 in your workbooks..."

As the rustling of pages echoed from around them, Kirstie leaned closer to Mitch. "Why do you keep looking at the new kid?"

"I'm not looking at the new kid." muttered Mitch, still staring at the tall blonde boy in the back of the room.

"Okay listen, I know he's kind of hot- yes, even I admit it." said Kirstie. "But he's bad news. I'm sure there are more hot gay boys out there."

"Who said I was in love?" asked Mitch, turning to face Kirstie.

Kirstie scoffed playfully. "Please. You keep staring at him, have been since we ran into him. Unless you're stalking him, I think you're very clearly in love - and I doubt someone as pure and innocent as yourself would ever stalk someone."

Mitch turned away, face red. Why did Kirstie think he was in love with Scott? They'd only just met, how could he love someone so quickly?


Class seemed to drag on forever. Finally, the bell rang for lunch, and Mitch and Kirstie hurried downstairs together.

"Hey, look at Scott." whispered Kirstie, nudging Mitch in the side.

"Who's staring now?"

"Just look!"

Scott was walking as far from everyone as possible, his hands stuffed in his pockets. He looked nothing short of miserable.

"Do you think he's homesick or something?" asked Kirstie.

"I don't know... he doesn't exactly seem like a smiley person in the first place."

"Should we talk to him, though?"

"You go to lunch. I'll go talk to him."

Kirstie frowned as Mitch walked towards Scott. She should stay close, just in case.

"Hey... are you okay?" asked Mitch, catching up to the tall blonde.

Scott shrugged.

"Homesickness? That's fair, but it's really nice here-"

"No. It's not that."

"Well, what is it?"

"Actually, it was something you said."

"Really? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... what did I say?"

"I don't want to mention it." said Scott. "But why are you so obsessed with me?"

"What do you mean?" asked Mitch.

"You haven't stopped staring at me, and you just came to me for no reason."

Mitch bit his lip. Was his staring that obvious?

"I want to be your friend." he said finally.

"Your other friend doesn't trust me. The girl." said Scott. "Don't you value her opinion?"

"Well, of course I do." said Mitch. "But she's probably just kidding herself. You can't be that bad, right?"

Scott chuckled darkly. "You don't know what you've gotten yourself into, do you?"


"Well... I'm more dangerous than meets the eye, Mitchell."

𝐼𝓉 𝒪𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝒢𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝒲𝑜𝓇𝓈𝑒 𝐹𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝐻𝑒𝓇𝑒 - 𝒮𝒸ö𝓂ì𝒸𝒽𝑒Where stories live. Discover now