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On Saturday morning, Mitch woke to a text from Kirstie.

Kirst: Since it's officially Christmas season, who wants to go watch the lighting of that big local tree?

Mitch: That's literally so random

Mitch: But sure

DeepVoice: Yeah I guess

Human808: ^^^

Kirst: Awesome :)

Kirst: Dress warm, it'll be cold

Human808: Time?

Kirst: I think it starts at ten?

DeepVoice: Should we get lunch after

Kirst: Sure

Kirst: I'll pay

Human808: Kirstie you act like our mother sometimes

Human808: And when you don't you're the chaotic overprotective sister

DeepVoice: Why isn't Mitch texting as much as he used to

Mitch: I'm getting ready

Mitch: Duh

DeepVoice: Okay sassy 🙄


It seemed like ten o'clock would never come. When it finally did, Mitch hurried downstairs excitedly.

"Mom, I'm going out with Kirstie, Avi and Kevin." he informed his mother as he passed through the kitchen.

"Have fun, sweetie." grinned Mrs Grassi.

Luckily, the tree lighting wasn't far from his house. He was there within five minutes. The others were already there.

"We're all here." grinned Kirstie. "They'll start any minute."

"This was a creative idea." said Kevin. "But it's so cold."

"They're giving out hot chocolate over there." gestured Avi. "Should we go? I'll pay."

"Yeah, let's go." agreed Kevin.

The group made their way toward the line. But suddenly, there was a voice behind them.

"What are you doing here?"

Scott happened to be behind them again, the expression on his face colder than the air.

"Just walk away, guys." whispered Kirstie, grabbing Kevin and Avi's hands and leading them away. But Mitch stayed put firmly.

"I'm really sorry about them... I didn't know you were into this stuff."

"I'm not." said Scott, averting his gaze. "This was his favorite thing to do."

"Who's he?" asked Mitch curiously.

Scott cleared his throat and looked up again. "You're very brave, talking to me."

"Natural ability." shrugged Mitch. "You know, I don't see what Kirstie has against you."

"She's right. You should listen to her." said Scott quietly.

"No, you're kidding yourself. You're not the monster you make yourself out to be, I can just tell." said Mitch. "Kirstie... I can usually trust Kirstie, but I think she's wrong this time."

Scott sighed. "You're not going to go away, are you? What kind of hot chocolate do you want?"

"Wh- oh no, you don't have to pay for me." said Mitch, waving his hand. "I'll just go and get the money from Avi-"

"I insist." said Scott, not unkindly. "What flavor?"

"Well... I guess, if you insist... just normal chocolate with marshmallows." said Mitch. "Why are you paying for my drink, anyway?"

Scott shrugged. "I figured, since you chose me over your friends... it's the least I can do."

"Well, what if I said I wanted to be your friend too?"

Scott froze. "No, no you don't."

"I do." said Mitch firmly, all while smiling brightly. God, why was his smile so cute? "And I don't care what Kirstie says. After all, you should never judge a book by its cover."

Scott looked down at the ground. "Well... I'm glad you feel that way."


"You idiot." sighed Kirstie, once Mitch had returned to the group. "Why didn't you come with us? You nearly missed the start."

"Why'd you run? Listen, I talked to Scott, and I asked to be his friend." said Mitch.

"What did he say?" asked Kevin, interested.

"He said I didn't." said Mitch.

"I don't get why you're not noticing these obvious red flags." sighed Kirstie. "Even he knows he's a jerk!"

"Mitch, I know how you are." said Avi carefully. "But this dude... Kirstie told us everything, and he doesn't sound too nice."

"Because you're hearing it from her point of view." said Mitch, annoyed. "I'm no expert, but I can't see why anyone would hate him!"

"I don't hate him." said Kirstie calmly. "I just think he's a bitch."

"Guys..." said Kevin, sensing rising tension between the two.

"Well, you're wrong! I know, that's a foreign concept to you." said Mitch angrily.

Kirstie backed away, intimidated. "I didn't mean-"

"You meant everything you just said, don't lie." said Mitch, turning away. "I'm going home. Have fun watching some stupid tree lighting. I didn't want to come anyway."

As he walked away, Kirstie whimpered and stepped back. Avi held her arm gently.

"He's scary when he's mad." he whispered.


"Hey babe... do you like this?"

"I love it, Scotty... I love it."

He nuzzled his face into Scott's neck, the latter instantly giggling. "You're tickling me with your cold nose."

"I love this so much... but I love you more, Scotty."

"I love you too, baby. I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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