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After school, Mitch and Kirstie met up again.

"There's a limo over there." said Kirstie, pointing. "And isn't that Scott getting into it?"

"It is." nodded Mitch. "So?"

"He must be rich." said Kirstie simply. "He's not a good person. He's one of those arrogant rich jerks."

"I think you're mistaken about him." said Mitch.

"Well, what'd he say to you at lunch?" asked Kirstie.

"He said... he said he was dangerous."

"Exactly!" cried Kirstie. "Mitchy, I'm just trying to protect you! I can tell you want to be his friend, but please, just keep your distance. I don't want you getting hurt."

Mitch sighed and looked away silently.

"Want a ride? Jeremy's taking me out to dinner, we can drop you off on the way." said Kirstie.

"Sure." shrugged Mitch.

Kirstie led her friend to her boyfriend's car and let him into the backseat. "Hey babe, do you mind dropping Mitchy off at home?"

"No problem!" said Jeremy, grinning. Jeremy was a very easygoing and friendly person. "How was school?"

"It wasn't horrible. Just long." said Kirstie, averting her gaze. "But there's this new kid..."

"Say no more." said Jeremy. "Is he beating you up? I swear, I'll-"

"No, not yet." said Kirstie quickly.

"What do you mean, not yet?" asked Mitch.

"We've discussed this, Mitchy." sighed Kirstie.

Mitch bit his lip and looked out the window. For the first time in a long time, Kirstie was wrong. He just knew it. And he was going to prove it to the both of them.


That night, the group chat was more active than it had ever been.

Kirst: Kevin and Avi, you missed it

DeepVoice: Missed what exactly?

Human808: ^^^

Kirst: There was a new kid at school, he's in our homeroom

Kirst: And he's quite something

Kirst: He's kinda scary tbh

Human808: Explain

Kirst: Well he's rude

Kirst: And he's really moody

Kirst: Btw Mitch are you alive

DeepVoice: That sounds like a majority of people at school

DeepVoice: What's so bad about him?

Mitch: I'm alive

Mitch: Idk what you have against Scott


Kirst: I just know it

Kirst: And Mitch is obsessed with him btw

Mitch: I'm not obsessed with him

Kirst: Could've fooled me

Human808: Has he actually done anything yet?

Kirst: Well no

Kirst: But he literally told Mitch he's "dangerous"

DeepVoice: Wtf is that supposed to mean

Kirst: Language! There are children here!

Mitch: Kirstie I'm not a child

Kirst: Yes you are


Human808: Did he just move here? He might be adjusting to the move

Human808: Give it some time and he might lighten up

Kirst: I doubt it

DeepVoice: I agree with Kevin I guess

DeepVoice: He's smart

Mitch: I'm going to bed

Kirst: Goodnight :(

Mitch sighed and set his phone on the bedside table. For some reason, Kirstie's feelings toward Scott bothered him. He didn't know how, but he knew Scott wasn't who he seemed to be. There had to be an actual person somewhere behind the cold exterior, right?


"Can't sleep?"

Scott's arranged girlfriend, Harleigh, came into their shared bedroom around midnight. Scott sighed and turned to face her.

"Clearly not."

"You know when you can't sleep, someone's thinking about you?"

"I'm not dumb." said Scott, as Harleigh plopped down beside him on the bed.

"But do you know what that means? Someone must be trying to take you from me." whispered Harleigh, gently lifting his chin with her finger.

Harleigh's touch made Scott flinch. It'd been a month since someone he'd felt that gentle touch, but it just wasn't the same. Harleigh didn't know what haunted him. In fact, the only ones who knew were him and his parents.

"I know, so bravely stupid of that special someone." said Harleigh, lightly pecking Scott on the lips. "They can't take you from me, right?"


Harleigh smiled and smashed her lips against his. But Scott wasn't thinking about her. He was thinking about the only person he'd ever truly kissed.

His lips, so soft and gentle, lips that never told lies... he remembered their first date, their first kiss, so heavenly and perfect...

His eyes, kind and forgiving, eyes that could look into his soul and tell all his deepest, darkest secrets... eyes that rarely cried, but when they did, Scott was always there to catch him...

And his persona, his sweet, caring persona... the only person on earth who could ever be so cute and so hot at the same time...

Tears fell from his eyes as the memories replayed in his head. That was all gone now. All that was left was a vague memory.

"Don't cry." said Harleigh in her soft yet venomous tone, wiping her lover's cheeks. Her long nails on his bare skin sent shivers down his spine. "I'll always be here."

Yeah... but you're not him.

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