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"Hey kid! Need some help?" Killua wiped some sweat off his brow, glancing over his shoulder at a tall kind looking man as he walked over. "You look like you're struggling" He said, gesturing to the wood the teenager was chopping. Killua let out a laugh. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks" Honestly, the exertion from swinging the axe was next to nothing. The only reason he was sweating was because of the sun blaring at him from directly above for the past 30 minutes, it was infuriatingly hot in this backwater village.

"You sure? I can tell you've been working hard, you do so much for this village already. Although I never caught your name" Killua slammed the axe down onto another tree trunk, splitting it in half. He'd taken to doing chores while he was waiting for the grimoire ceremony to happen, although to avoid growing connections with the people there he'd never told anyone his name. "Hm? Oh it's not important." Killua said. You know I bet I could just do this with my hands- "but of course it is! Rosemare wouldn't be as lively and thriving without your help."

Killua would've felt proud of himself if he'd actually done something notable. All he really did was chop wood and help with manual labor. "It's really not a big deal-", "Nonsense!" The man kept gushing about how helpful Killua had been and he started to get a tad bit irritated. He decided to just stand there and let the man wrongfully praise him for a few minutes. I really didn't do much at all but he acts like I'm some sort of savior...man this is weird. Killua didn't remember exactly how he got here, but the boat he'd been on got capsized and crashed and he'd just traveled for a bit as he gained a bearing of his surroundings.

It was a little over a week's walk to the grimoire tower for a normal person, but killua was anything but normal. He was an ex assassin, and not only that but a Hunter as well. It'd probably take him closer to five days, if he only stopped once to sleep for a few hours before continuing, going at a pace of about- Killua was ripped out of his thoughts as he felt someone tap his shoulder. "Hey are you...listening to me?" Killua blinked. "Hm? Oh, sorry. I have to get going for the grimoire ceremony."

The man looked slightly confused. "Isn't that in three days?" Killua's eyes widened in alarm. "Hold on- three? I thought it was on the 17th- shit. I should've been going two days ago." Killua didn't even bother to say goodbye, he just grabbed his backpack and started running towards the route he'd picked. I'll have to change my pacing, maybe I'll use my godspeed- Killua let out a groan as he remembered something. He couldn't use his Hatsu as of right now. There was no electricity, no way to charge his abilities. That was the one thing he couldn't stand about the continent he was on, there wasn't any damn technology.

Although Killua presumed if he could find someone who used lightning magic and get them to attack him, that could work. Killua ran for hours, making sure to keep a consistent pace for both his breathing and his stride. Killua had incredible endurance, but he'd never run this fast for this long before. Surprisingly though, he didn't have many issues. He did have to stop to eat and drink once a day to regain stamina, and take a rest on the 2nd night, but other than that he ran non stop the rest of the way. As he passed by streams and forests and meadows he couldn't help but think that Gon would love this place.

"DAMMIT!" Killua exclaimed, upon arriving at the tower. The ceremony had been that morning, and it was now 6 pm. He'd completely missed the ceremony. Well then, I can just steal one. Fuck this. There weren't any guards or anything, so he just strolled right in and grabbed a book off the shelf. A thick tome with a hard leather cover. Alright, now. How do I use it? He walked out of the tower, trying to figure out how to use it. When he opened it, all the pages were blank. Do I write my own spells? Do I activate it somehow?

Killua paced throughout the surrounding area for about twenty minutes, growing more and more agitated with each minute that passed. The damned thing didn't work. Damn, everyone else my age has one though. Maybe it doesn't work because I don't have magic? The idea of magic seemed childish at first but upon seeing it with his own eyes he had to accept it as reality. If he was honest with himself however, him getting a grimoire was a longshot anyways. Still didn't make him any less pissed at this damn book though. There was some sort of commotion nearby that he ignored, he was too focused on trying to activate his grimoire.

The sun had started to set, and he still hadn't opened the book. Killua scowled, then threw the book as hard as he could over his shoulder. Suddenly there was a grunt, and a thud. The kind of thud killua recognized as the fall of a limp body. Killua stiffened, then scaled a building in the blink of an eye with a gulp. Shit- I didn't mean to hit someone. Will I get in trouble for that? Killua just whistled softly and started on his way, hopping across the roofs of buildings. It wasn't his problem. Killua decided to take a seat, letting out a sigh. He'd been moving for the better part of three days. Killua closed his eyes, leaning back onto the rough shingles of the roof with a sigh.

There was a quiet humming noise and killua opened an eye, before both shot wide as he realized there was a book floating in front of him. It was leaking a red aura, and it was filthy. "Holy shit-" he slowly picked up the book, he felt the energy radiating from it. Killua traced a finger across the cover, then he noticed something. The clover...it looked odd. A five leaf clover? The hell?

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To be continued...

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