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Killua's excitement turned into disappointment when he realized all this grimoire could do was make this heavy ass sword. He kept it on him anyways though as he made his way back to Rosemare. "Hey kid...!" Killua paused at the voice, and shot a glance over his shoulder. He blinked, seeing an old man with a wizard hat walking over. "I don't recall seeing you at the grimoire ceremony." Killua sighed, resting his hands behind his head. "Ah, I was late. But when I went to the tower this one just kinda appeared." The wizard's eyebrows raised. "Interesting, may I take a look?"

Killua scowled. "No. I have somewhere to be." he said flatly, then simply turned and walked away. Back to doing chores I guess? I mean what else is there to do? Killua's legs ached, he paused for a moment to sit down, leaning his back against a tree. Man, I'm exhausted. I really shouldn't have pushed myself like that... Killua yawned, stretching. Haven't slept much in the past few days, might help me regain my strength. He thought, closing his eyes. A short nap wouldn't hurt...

"Hey look, it's a kid."

"D'ya think he's ok?"

"Poor thing looks exhausted.."

"Wonder where his parents are-"

Killua had been awake for the last five minutes, listening to them talk. He was a light sleeper, so it was hard to get the drop on him. He made sure to keep his eyes closed and listen, evaluating if the group of adults surrounding him was a threat. He faked a yawn and slowly sat up, deciding to play clueless. "Hm?" Killua opened his eyes, blinking as he realized there was some sort of caravan sitting a few feet away. "Oh he's awake, hey kid where're you from?" A woman asked, with a slight grin. "You lost sweetie?" KIllua huffed. "I guess? I don't really have any place to be, just traveling around."

The woman pursed her lips thoughtfully. "Well-", "just leave 'em Jess!" A gruff male voice said, from the caravan. "We don't need another mouth to feed." The brunette, Jess presumably, sighed. "Alright then, but shouldn't we give him some rations or something?" Killua stood up with a sigh. "I don't need help anyways." Jess blinked. "Wait, how old are you?" Killua was a bit confused by the question but he didn't see a point in lying. "15, why?" She looked a bit startled. "Damn you're tall for a 15 year old-", "enough chatter we need to get moving! Or we're gonna be- ah shit."

Killua sensed several presences from the trees, and realized a pack of wolves had been stalking them. A fire spell created a torch, and it hovered in front of the caravan. "Beat it ya mongrels!" The wolves shied away from the flame for a moment, but slowly crept forward, letting out a low growl. The fire didn't end up intimidating them for long, they seemed to grow more bold from it if anything. Jess grabbed Killua's arm. "It's safer on the caravan kid, come on-" Killua decided to help these merchants out a bit, simply because he was bored. He had nothing better to do after all. Killua shook off the woman and walked to the front of the caravan, where the pack leader was growling, staring narrow eyed at the horses drawing the caravan. Said horses were snorting and rearing up nervously. "Kid get out the way!"

The gruff male voice snapped. Killua simply stared dead into the eyes of the pack leader, his eyes cold. The bloodlust crawled forward across the pack, causing them to whimper and back away. The adults behind him had grown quiet as the air thickened and tension grew. Killua slowly picked up a rock and chucked it right between the eyes of the pack leader, who promptly collapsed dead onto the ground from the sheer power behind that throw. Killua could throw with incredible force, although he had to admit he probably went a bit overboard. The rest of the wolves ran off yelping and whimpering, tails between their legs.

Killua strolled over with a whistle and scooped up the wolf, then strolled right back on over to the caravan, where several shocked faces were staring at him. "Anybody hungry? It'd be a shame to let this fresh meat go to waste." The man who was sitting at the front of the caravan cleared his throat. "Ah...on second thought, let's keep him."


Killua ended up traveling with the caravan of merchants for the next few days, apparently they were going to the capital because business boomed during some exam that was coming up. "Say, you planning on participating in the exam?" Jess asked, apparently she was a weaver. She spent all day fiddling with a loom to make more product on the way to the capital. Killua leaned back against the hard wood of the caravan, all of the internal furniture was covered in product so there was virtually nowhere to sit. "Hm? Dunno, What's this exam about anyway?" Jess gave Killua a long winded explanation as to what this Magic Knight Exam was, and Killua had to admit it sounded interesting.

Seems a lot less boring than doing chores and wandering around in the wilderness on my own. "Sounds interesting, might give it a shot." Jess sighed. "Sadly, only nobles and royalty really ever end up getting in." She looked him up and down. "You most certainly won't get much positive attention with those clothes." Killua huffed, a bit offended at her apparent dislike of his fashion sense. "Eh? The hell's that supposed to mean?" Jess gave him a wry look. "You're dressed like a commoner, and as i said only nobility and royalty ever get in." Killua rolled his eyes. "What exactly else am I supposed to wear then? I'm flat broke and we're in the middle of nowhere." he pointed out.

A sly look went across Jess's face. "Say, I have some clothes I can loan to you...If you pass the exam you don't have to return them, once you get your first paycheck as a magic knight you can pay me back." Killua glanced around at the heap of garments, crops, and other artisan goods. "How exactly do you plan on finding them?" He said dryly. Jess grinned and waved her hand, all the garments suddenly sorted themselves, hovering in the air in organized clumps. "Ah I got this. Hmmm...well we've been having a hard time selling this one, here. Give it a shot!"

Killua stared at himself in the mirror for a few moments

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Killua stared at himself in the mirror for a few moments. "It's a bit...much." he said dubiously. There were a lot of separate garments and several chains draped around him, it really wasn't practical. Plus the outfit looked far too extravagant to be in battle with this thing on. Jess's eyes shined. "You look great, kid!" Killua sighed, then took off the heavy jacket robe thing. "This is...alright, I suppo." Killua really didn't like the clothes he was wearing but he had to admit he did look more sophisticated. "Thanks, I guess." Jess smirked. "Alright! Wait- I never caught your name did I?" She realized, glancing over at him expectantly. Killua settled down on the newly available space on the bed of the caravan, space that was made from the clothes being moved. He chuckled and rested his hands behind his head with a slight grin. "Ah it's not important."

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To be continued...

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