i little about me:)

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(enjoy the picture of the turtle)

i am 16 and my life is not to bad but i definitely need some kind of mental help bc wtf is going on.
My name is bella and i have so much yet so little going on in my life. Also don't mind the grammar and spelling shit.

How i look
i'm pretty short for my age and low key hot as hell. like a real life wattpad character without the messy bun and blond hair. i'm about 5'3 and maybe 100lb. my hair goes down to my ass but it's kinda curly so it only goes down to my mid back when i dont straighten it. i like straightening my hair but i don't have the energy for in in the mornings and it's to wet the straighten at night so most of the time i braid it so i don't have to deal with the fluffy mess that it is. i like the look of my hair but it's a pain in the ass to take care of. it's a darker brown but not to point where it looks black. it's kinda like tree bark brown if that makes sense. my eyes are also brown and i have great eyelashes (love my dad for that). their dark and long so i don't need any mascara for them but i do anyway because i like how it gives a smoky eye effect when you leave it on for more than one day in a row. my lips aren't small but i wish they were bigger just bc everyone has something to be insecure about. my nose is also long but it's gotta a button nose shape so i kinda love it. i'm white but not as white as everyone else because my grandpa is native american. my mom is very noticeably tan but she married the whitest man alive so i lost more of her color. when i was younger i used to look just like him but now that i'm older i am more like my mom. I almost forgot to mention my piercings. i have a good hoop nose ring a gold belly piercing and my ears have been done a couple of times. i wanna get a tongue ring but i'm gonna wait till the belly piercing it healed.

My family
i have a big family of all girls and two guys. my dad and brother. my parents split just over a year ago. only a day or two after my birthday they sit the whole fam down and announced it. it hurt at first but i'm happy they did because i can see how much happier my mom is. i'm not very close with my dad and despite my parent having split custody 50/50 i stay at my moms almost all the time. he's a cold. his house is big and cold and so clean it could be a show home. at first i loved that house but know it's just full of sour memory's of when i was younger.

out of all my family i closest with my mom, sister, uncle and grandma on my dads side. my mom is sweet and i have her humor so we often flip each other off and tell each other to go to hell. it's great. it's like that with my younger sister to but we're closer in age and have similar interests so we pretty much now everything about each other. my grandma, or as we call her, nana is not at all like my dad. she's the sweetest lady ever and she taught me how to sew and that's now one of my fav hobbies. my uncle is just weird. he's only about twenty years older then me but because he's single and low key an alcoholic he can keep up to date on most young humor which is great. also he sent me a pic of kermit throwing up on my birthday bc i got drunk on my bday so that's a plus.

i feel like i've been rambling so i'm gonna wrap it up with a little bit of drama and random stuff that pops into my head.

the guy that i like has a girl friend....

i wish i was joking but he's so fucking sweet to me and we only became friends at the start of the year but i would call him one of my closer friends. he's the kind of person i would tell my crushes to but that's kinda hard to do when he is the one i like. i told my friend about him and she said she's rooting for me which sucks bc i don't wanna be a homewrecker but i'm also 100% preying for their relationships downfall. she's nice and all but we're very different. i think he knows i like him because his friend knows bc i'm insanely obvious which gives me false hope because he keeps inviting me out at night and hanging out with me in the classes we have together.

i will talk about this more some other time but this already kinda long and feels boring so im gonna stop for know. idk if i will ever write in this again but maybe if i feel like it i will. it won't always be about him but it probably will be like 90% of the time because rn he's one of the most exciting this in my life.

from me to you,

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