4: Legacy of Power

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Inside Mesogog's lair

Mesogog was struggling to break into an energy crystal with his Psionic Beam, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break into the crystal.

Mesogog: I will have it! (hisses)

A moment later, Zeltrax brings in Dr. Oliver, who a few Tyrannodrones were restraining.

Zeltrax: My Lord, the prisoner.

Mesogog: Finally. Tie him to the life-force extractor.

The Tyrannodrones drag Dr. Oliver and put him into the life-force extractor, strapping him down to it so he couldn't escape.

Dr. Oliver: What do you want with me?

Mesogog: How rude of me not to explain. My senses tell me this stone encases a power source that will be most useful to me. Alas, all my efforts to retrieve this power source have been less than successful. That's where you come in.

Dr. Oliver was still struggling against the restraints, trying to break free.

Dr. Oliver: Sorry. Can't help you there. I'm just a high-school science teacher.

Mesogog gets up and close to Dr. Oliver's face, trying to intimidate him.

Mesogog: Really? A high-school science teacher, who just happens to have taught four brats to become Power Rangers. I know you know what's inside this stone. You're going to help me get it out. 

Mesogog lowers the machine, aiming it at Dr

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Mesogog lowers the machine, aiming it at Dr. Oliver's head.

Mesogog: Or you will not like the consequences.

Cut to Dr. Oliver's command center

The teens were in the underground lab, wondering about Dr. Oliver's whereabouts and safety after there had been no word from him in over a day.

Kira: This is bad.

Ethan: Way bad. Worse than crashing after getting to level 9 in S.N.S.W.

Conner and Y/N look at each other for a second, confused about what Ethan just said.

Conner/Y/N: Huh?

Ethan: Super Ninja Space Wars.

Conner: Okay, look, don't you think we're getting a little too freaked out about this?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm with Conner on this. It could be nothing.

Kira: Nothing? Dr. O doesn't show up for my gig, then misses a full day of school without calling. I'd say we've achieved the right level of freaking out.

Y/N: I don't know, maybe this is what he does or maybe it isnt.

Conner: What's that supposed to mean?

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