Same Love

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-Louis' POV-

February 22... The day that changed my life. How you ask? That's the day I met Harry Styles, the cutest, quirkiest, funniest, sweetest, and cheekiest boy who's ever lived. We must keep our love a secret, in fear of our parents. Who knows what they would do if they knew.

I come from a very religious family, very Christian, they don't accept homosexuality, believe it is immoral, and a sin. I caould never come out. Harry's' family is the same way, only, Harry is already abused, his mother left when he was younger, and his father beats him, I wish I could save him, but we're still only teenagers. I wish we could run away together, and never have to look back. But we can't, Harry is still a sophmore in high school, and I'm a senior. 

Our 2 year anniversary is only one months away, and I'm walking over to Harry's house, he lives about 3 blocks away, not very far to walk, the weather is perfect for a nice walk, it's early spring, the ground still wet from rain, I loved the smell of rain, it's just so, calming.

I knock on his front door, and his father answers, "What do YOU want?" he growled, I could hear the anger in his voice, he never liked me, he knew that Harry had told me what he's done to him. His dad feared I'd go to the police, I knew if I did Harry would just get hurt even more. I couldn't risk that. 

"I'm here to see Harry, I'm here to tutor him," I lied, hoping that his father wouldn't see straight through it.

"HARRY," he yelled as he turned back into the dark house, "He'll be out in a second, until then you wait out here." he scolded, I didn't really care, why would I, all I wanted was to see Harry, I saw him every day. I had to, to assure my self he was ok.

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