If you'll be my star, I'll be your sky (chapter 2)

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-Louis' POV-

I sat down on the stairs to Harry's front porch, waiting for him, I heard the door open, then reclose, I turned, only to see my sweet Harry, bruised, his right eye blackened, purple and green, tears fell from both of our eyes, he knew how I felt about these types of things. I just can't stand the thought of anyone hurting him. How could a parent do something like that to their child. 

I jumped up off of the stairs, anger rushed through my veins, Harry wouldn't hurt a fly. Why him, I wish he could just come stay with me. I have to get him out of this somehow.

"Lou, don't worry, I'm fine, let's just get out of here" Harry said, his voice pained and cracked, but his cheeky smile made me think otherwise. We walked away from his house, down the sidewalk, to the cafe a couple blocks away from his house. It started raining, lightly, more like a mist. I turned and looked Harry in the eyes, he turned away from me, I gently turned his face towards mine, and pressed my lips against his, his slight frown turned to a gorgeous, dimpled smile. He grabbed my hand, and like that we walked to the cafe.

When we got to the cafe, It was nearly empty, it was usually filled to the brim with hipsters, writers, and lovely musicians, playing the guitar, their calming music making the scene happy and bright, but today, there was one or two lingering writers in the corner, and instead of musicians, just a radio playing.

We sat down, still holding hands, I noticed how Harry's hands were much larger than mine, then again, his whole being is larger than me me being only 5'9 and Harry being 6'4, I guess that's part of the reason I feel so safe with him, the other part is because I know he will always be here for me, no matter anything, and I will always be here for him. He knows that. 

"Lou, I think we should tell our parents about us..." Haz spoke, as a waitress came over and took our order, she had messy blonde hair, red lips, and dark eyeliner, not to proffesional looking.

"I think so too Haz, but what if they don't support us? Then what, what will we do, we'd never be able to see eachother..."my voice trailed off.

"I think it's worth the risk, and we will never know until we try," he smiled, giving me hope.

"Lets do do it sometime tomorrow though," I added, not wanting today to end, even though it's still early in the day.

The trashy-not-so-classy waitress brought us our coffee and cookies, the same thing we order everytime. I picked up a chocolate chip cookie, it was still warm, fresh from the oven, broke it in half and jokingly shoved half of it in Haz' mouth, then he took some whipped cream and wiped it all over my face, we are such kids I though, I'm like Peter Pan, and Haz is my lost boy, We just don't want to grow up, and at the moment, we were just forgetting everything except for eachother, we were forgetting harry's dad, his black eye, the abuse, how we had to hide.... everything.

After our childish games, and after we finished our coffee and cookies, Haz grabbed my hand and ran out of the cafe, across the street and down a couple blacks to a tattoo parlor,

"Why are we here Haz?" I wuestioned him, "Haz, come on, tell me"

"I know the owner and we are getting matching tattoos.... no objections, I already paid, no returns."


"Lou... come on, you are such a goody-two-shoes" He joked

I gave in and we went inside, it smelled of sweat, and must, a big, tattooed man, saw Haz, and waved him over to a chair, Haz sat down, I sat in a chair next to him.

"Hey Al, we're here, we want to get, "We were born to love, not hide" tattooed on our wrists" Haz spoke sternly. I loved when he took control like that.

About an hour later, I had a tatoo that said "we were meant to love, not hide" in Haz' handwriting on me, and my handwriting on his.... we went to the park and just lied in the grass, staring at clouds, singing to eachother, and just being in love. Until the end of the day.

It was not dark, and we decided it was time to get back home. I walked Haz home, "If you'll be my star, I'll be your sky" He whispered in my ear, before hugging me, and pecking me on the cheek.

"Night Haz" I cooed, "Night Lou"

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