chapter 2

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'Serena p.o.v'

I was still driving on aunt jenna house after send the handsome boy elijah at his house well i have arrived at house and i get out from car then taking out my pack stuff out from my car back

I step up stairs on the door but suddenly aunt jenna open the door and by the look of aunt jenna was in shocking to let the tears rolling down cheeks and i up my hands waiting aunt jenna hugged me and she hugged me on my waist

"Oh my, serena you back home"jenna said

"I was wanted to surprised you aunt jenna and then jer and el"i smiled and giggle

"Oh, what a silly surprised serena and come inside"jenna hold my hands soft

"Don't tell jer and el i want to give a dinner surprised"i whisper to jenna ears

"Alright, i will not tell jeremy and elena"jenna was chuckle

"Go to your room serena, they will be here in second come home"jenna said

"Alright will do it"i chuckle

I goes to my room and unpacking my stuff everywhere around and i take out my phone out to play music to asleep for awhile in a hours

~~two minutes~~

I wake up and i look at the clock it is on 6:09 pm at night el and jer must be down there to get ready i am going to toilet to wash my face before go down breakfast.

I goes down stairs to hide and give a signal to aunt jenna give attention to jer and el and i walked to scared them by shoulder and they shouted scream i was laughing by their reaction it hurt to keep laughing and saw their face was in shocking to see me in here

"Serena, you are back home!!!"el and jer happy said tone

"Yep, surprised"i giggle

I took a seat beside two uknown boys and they glaring at me so i look at elena give a signal.

"El, who is this two boys around me?"i said curius

"Oh, the left one is damon salvatore and beside right is stefan salvatore their brothers serena"elena smiled

"Oh, it seems like you have brought your boyfriends here but who did you date el?"i said

"Oh, it's stefan of course"elena said

"Hi, my name is serena gilbert and a younger twin"i keep look at plate not staring them cuz they both staring at me

"Can you both stop staring at serena she doesn't not feel uncomfortable to eat"jeremy notice the boys looking at me

"Oh sorry serena" the salvatore brothers said

"It's fine"i said

After we all finish dinner i goes to room to set my sleepwear dress and get towel for bathe. I open my dress for bathe and shampoos around my body and hair up cleaning and i go out to sweap out towel around my body.

'Serena sleepwear'

I have keep look around for looking for a headphone for music but gone it must el sneak inside to stole it again i goes to elena room with the boys seat on el bed and they keep staring at me

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I have keep look around for looking for a headphone for music but gone it must el sneak inside to stole it again i goes to elena room with the boys seat on el bed and they keep staring at me

"Oh my god, el you dated with two brothers?"i was in shocking out

"Serena, please knock before enter" elena embarassement to look at her bed

"You keep stole my headphone el, i knew you did it again"i sighed

I goes everywhere lockers was no found anything i sighed and seat to relax a bit to keep looking for it

"Is this yours serena"stefan said

I looked at what stefan holding is my headphone was with him i thank to him for found my headphone and i go to my own room and charge the my phone before going to asleep night

~~one hours morning~~

I woke up from sun ruining my sleeping beauty i get up to take a bathe and get rid off my dress down and shampoos every my body and hair. I get out from bathroom and set a dress for getting school

'Serena dress'

'Serena hair style'

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'Serena hair style'

I put a little makeup not much and get down stairs to wait el and jer getting down stairs and they get down, i was smiled at how beautiful elena was same jeremy too

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I put a little makeup not much and get down stairs to wait el and jer getting down stairs and they get down, i was smiled at how beautiful elena was same jeremy too.

Me and jer get on el car to drive since i will asleep at class today yeah i like alot to get asleep cuz tired much now and we have arrived at mystic school we get out from el cars i took a deep breath for awhile to take a step front

'Damon p.o.v'

I look at serena cuz she's katherine second doppleganger i never heard a twin then have a twin doppleganger she's so very sexy once at and stefan notice i keep looking at serena he hit my head up

"What was that for stefan?"i said

"Stop glaring at serena damon"stefan scolding me up

"Alright, and bye"i said before driving away

"Bye damon"elena waved at me i notice it to

"C'mon serena, it's your first day at school let's go"jeremy asked me and i smile to hold jer hands

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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