" Literature's Finest Fête Award Rules "

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1. Follow our account TheAlchemyAwards  permanently. By this way we can be connected and you will get each update notifications.

2. Give this award book a proper shoutout by mentioning the link of the book and tag as many people as you want, so many people can get into this award.

3. Add this book to your reading list (Both Private and Award Section)

4. Please only comment necessary things, in the given section. No messy comments will not be entertained, and if done, will lead to the disqualification.

5. Maintain a argument free environments.

6. Respect the award Host and the Judges. Same goes to the judges, kindly maintain the respect towards the participants.

7. Vote on every chapter of this book, and comments in only given section.



1. Your book must be in English only.

2. Any one can enter with as many as reads or votes on your books. You must entry on your own works, No stealing other other's work is allowed.

3. Your book must have minimum 10 chapters for any category of Novels section, 5 chapters for Poetry section and 5 chapters of work in art books. Short story are exceptions (Can have minimum Chapters). Other than that, Judging is hard for the judges.

4. You can enter different books with different categories only, same book is not allowed.

5. Passwords is any of your favorite Writer. (Other than yourself)

6. Mature and LGBTQ books are allowed, but it must be tagged as so. Failing to do so, will lead to disqualifications.

9. Both ongoing and completed books are accepted, just make sure the chapters are getting eligible from the above mention criteria.

10. If you change your title or username notify us via DM. (Important)

11. You must follow your judges, whoever will be allotted. Also, as a payment to them, you must vote on all chapters of their book so as they chose. (This will be notified)

12. No bribing permitted. If anyone caught doing so, will be disqualified.

13. Last Year books which have own the awards will not be allowed. You can participate with last year's book if you haven't been the Winner/1st Runner Up/2nd Runner up/3rd Runner ups.


1. Please fill the form in single comments. As it is hard to get the track with messy comments.

2. Kindly maintain all the given orders in the forms, do not change the order. Failing to do so, will lead to disqualification. And Comment only on your category. If found otherwise, will be disqualified.

3. Password is your favorite Actor.

4. Form will be accepted once all the rules are followed with above mentioned criteria ONLY.

5. Judges can enter the awards section too. But you cannot judge the same category. Judges criteria will be released soon.



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Literature's Finest Fête Award - 2023 | An Alchemy Award |Where stories live. Discover now