Chapter 16: For You

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Sana's scowl deepened at the scene in front of her: the male lead was now surprising his female lead with a bouquet of flowers after finishing their last exam. And as expected, the girl's gloomy expression turned bright as soon as she saw her boyfriend waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase.

"Good for them. So happy for them," Sana grumbled to herself in annoyance.

Normally, she would be squealing in genuine happiness for the characters since she's a hopeless romantic like that. She would be giggling with them right now too, if it wasn't for the fact that she's very envious of them. Sana just didn't like how they're all lovey-dovey and popping heart eyes at each other while she's sitting in her living room, all alone and terribly missing her own cute girlfriend.

An involuntary sigh escaped her lips when the image of a widely beaming Dahyun flashed in her mind. It had been four days since Sana last saw her in person. They hadn't been riding to work together as the younger one was incredibly busy with a project lately. Although Sana was the one who proposed to hold off her chauffeur services (as what Dahyun called it) for the meantime after noticing the visible bags under her girlfriend's eyes, she still couldn't help but miss Dahyun. A lot.

Sure, they'd been texting, calling, and FaceTiming each other frequently any time they had the chance, but Sana still yearned to see her in person, to touch her silky soft skin, to smell her baby powder scent—just to feel her presence in general.

Was she being too clingy? A bit too overacting? Maybe... but whatever, she didn't care. What she cared about at this moment though, Sana reckoned, was how nice it would be if they were both still in college and didn't have to suffer the consequences of juggling further studies and jobs, leaving less time for each other. If that was the case, they'd probably be just like the couple in the drama that's playing on her TV right now: laughing and hugging and kissing each other like there's no tomorrow.

She heaved yet another sigh as an empty lockscreen met her eyes. Still no reply from Dahyun. Though it's 7:32 P.M. so she must still be in the middle of a lecture. She'll reply when they're done. She always did.

Seconds passed, minutes passed, yet Sana just couldn't seem to focus on the drama anymore. All she could think about was Dahyun and how her poor brain was probably overloaded with information right this second. She worried about how Dahyun's going to eat dinner late again for the fifth time this week. (Yes, Sana counted.)

Not taking it anymore, Sana turned the TV off and got on her feet. It's still a little early and she wasn't that tired anyway.

Twenty minutes later, she's sitting on the same bench where she had waited for Dahyun months ago. The sky was already dark, the moon and stars completely hidden from sight. Streetlights scattered in the vicinity illuminated the peaceful campus streets where a few students were still loitering around. The cool October air blew on her skin, making her shiver lightly and shove her hands into her hoodie pocket.

While waiting, she quietly studied the people passing by and frowned when those passersby were coincidentally couples. Great.

Fortunately, she didn't have to sulk any further because in the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of a white sedan rushing in her direction. Her frown turned upside down in a snap.

"Unnie? What are you doing here?" Dahyun asked in shock as soon as she got out of her car after parking it to the side. Her breath then got knocked out of her lungs when Sana threw her arms around her neck in a bone-crushing hug.

"I missed you so I came to see you," Sana sighed into Dahyun's neck as she tightened her embrace.

Dahyun's chest vibrated as she chuckled. "But it's only been four days."

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