Chapter 11

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Today is Jason's 2nd Birthday! I can't believe my baby boy is growing up so fast.

I dressed him up in a baseball jersey and a baseball cap. He looked so cute!

I wore a baseball jersey with
In the back of it and jean shorts. Justin wore the same jersey, but his number is 06, with jeans and black supras.

I was finishing my make up, when Justin hugged me from behind and placed his hands on my growing belly.

"You know, you look so beautiful", Justin said. I blushed, "Thank you Jay", I kissed him.

Once I finished getting ready, we headed to the party place.
Hugo is driving us in a Uber.

"Babe did you see what's trending on twitter?", Justin asked me while we was on his phone.

I shook my head and got on twitter. I went to the see what's trending, and
#HappyBirthdayJasonBieber was #1 on top trend.

"Wow, the fans and Beliebers are amazing!", I said with a big smile on my face. "I know, and I was thinking how about we tell them today about baby #2?", Justin said while looking at me.

"Yeah, I think we should. Good thing there isn't any paparazzi at the place, cause they would ruined the surprise for the fans.", I chuckled.

Justin just looked at me while smiling. I started to get nervous,"Why are you looking at me like that?", I laughed.

He just laughed and went back to his phone. "You know you're so weird", I laughed.

"Mommy", Jason said. I turned to see him and he was making a fun face, Justin showed him to do. "Oh Jason, you're so cute!", I kissed his cheek while laughing.

I got my phone and took a picture of Justin and Jason doing the same funny face and posted it on Instagram. I captioned it, "My boys ❤ #HappyBirthdayJason".

We finally got to the place, where Tim was to welcome us. I got Jason and we got off the Uber and Justin too.

"Are you guys ready to party?", he said with excited. "Yeah!", Justin said while chuckling.

We followed Tim into the venue and it was amazing. Everything was perfect and then we walked to the outside part where there was batting cages, and a baseball field one for little kids and another one for adults. There was also a bouncy house and ice cream truck.

"It looks nice!", Justin told Tim. "Thank you, well I hope you guys enjoy your party, it was a pleasure working with you guys", Tim said.

We thanked him and he left. Now it was time to party.

Our guest started to arrive. The Bieber crew, Justin's family, my family and our friends were here.

Jason was with Jazzy , Jaxon and Jeremy. I went to my family. "Hi guys!", I hugged them all.

"This place looks nice, I like the baseball field", my little sister said. "We should play a game!", my little brother said. They are 17,& 19 years old.

"We should but first I want to tell you guys something", I got nervous. "Okay go ahead", my mom said.

"I'm pregnant!", I smiled at them. "OMG! CONGRATS!", Mia screamed in happiness .

And in a matter of seconds all my family, like aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins, cheered too. Being Hispanic means having a huge family and being loud.

Everyone turned to us while my family hugged me and cheered. I just laughed, I love my family!

Justin's POV

I was with my dad, mom and the kids. We were just talking and enjoying some ice cream, when we heard screaming and cheering. We turned and it was YN's family.

"I'm guess YN told them about her being pregnant ", I said to my parents.
"I love her family they are always so happy!", my mom said. "Yeah, they're amazing, but if you get on their badside well that's another story", I said.

"Well you better not do anything stupid", my dad said. I chuckled, "I don't plan on to".

"I'll be right back, come on Jason let's go with mommy", I grabbed a hold of his hand as we walked to YN.

"CONGREGATIONS!!!", YN's family cheered and hugged me. "Thank you".

"Hey let's tell the fans already", I begged YN. "Okay, Mia can you take a picture of us please?", YN asked her cousin. Mia said yes and got both of our phones.

I carried Jason on my right and side hugged YN while she hugged me back.
"Jason put your hand on mommy's tummy", I told him, and did as told. YN put her left hand on her belly too.

"Okay say cheese!", Mia cooled. We smiled for the picture. Once we took it , I posted it on Instagram; captioned it, 'The Bieber family just keeps getting bigger '.

YN posted it on twitter and tweeted "Im ready for more '.

My Bieliebers and YN's fans were going crazy with the news.

We went back enjoy the party. Jason, Jazzy and Jaxon were jumping in the bouncy house, they were being watched by my mom.

"Hey let's put the field to work" Jessie and Fredo said.

"Yeah!", Ryan agreed.

"I'm in!", YN said. "Are you sure babe?", I said pointing at her baby bump.

"Yeah, as long as I don't hit my stomach I'm okay", she smiled.

"Umm... I'm not sure if I'm okay with you playing",I said honestly. I don't want her or the baby to get hurt.

"Stop worrying and let's get to playing", said Chaz.

"Thank you Chaz!", YN said while high fiveing her, he always takes YN's side.

"Ugh fine",I sighed. Everyone started to walk to the field. I was walking went someone hold my hand, it was YN.

"Babe, don't worry, I'll be fine", she kissed me, which made me smile.

"Okay, so are you on my team?",I asked her.

"Oh no, I'm going against your team and kick your butt", she smirked and kissed my cheek. She soon left my side to walk ahead of me.

I just chuckled, we both get so competitive.

This is going to be a good game!

Who do you think will win the game? YN or Justin's team?

Hope you like this chapter :)


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