Chapter 30

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Justin's POV

The show is about to start and I'm so happy to have my whole family here.

YN and the kids are in the audience with my mom, dad, Jaxon, and Jazzy.

Also I have invited some friends tonight too.

Knock Knock


Scooter:"You're ready JB?"

I nodded my head and walked towards my crew, and we prayed.
After we did our chant.


Then I made my way to the stage, ready to perform.


I'm currently seeing Justin perform with everyone, but in the back of my head so many thoughts are going through my head.

Kendall & Haliey:"Hey guys!"

Just seeing Haliey here made my blood boiled. I felt like attacking her, but I have to control myself. Also I'm not sure if Justin did really cheat on my with Hailey.

Pattie:"YN, YN!"


Pattie:"Are you okay sweetie? Why are you crying?"

I was so in my thought, that I didn't notice I was crying, while watching Justin.

I turned to Pattie.

YN:"I'm okay, don't worry", I faked smiled.

I wiped my tears and turned back to Justin. I saw him looking at me giving me a worried look.

I just nodded my head, and he started to play the next song.

During the whole concert, I ignored Hailey and just tried to enjoy the concert with the kids.

Justin's POV

Justin:"Thank you L.A.! Good night!"

I went to my dressing room and showered real quick and changed to leave the arena.

As I was finishing doing my hair Hailey entered the room.

Justin:"Hey Hailey!", I hugged her.

Hailey:"Hey you did AMAZING!", she giggled.


We then started talking and joking around, just then YN entered the room.

Justin:"Baby! ", I went to kiss her, but she moved away.

Hailey:"Hey YN"

YN just ignored Hailey, but she seemed mad.

Justin:"YN what's wrong?"

YN:"Justin I'm going to ask you something and you're going to tell me the truth", she simply said.


She turned to me and looked me in the eyes.

YN:"Did you cheat on me with Hailey while I was gone?"


YN:"Justin don't lie to me the kids told me!", she had tears running down her faces.

Justin:"I'm not-", I couldn't finish my sentence when Hailey interrupted me.

Hailey:"Yes YN we did and I'm sorry"

YN:"I knew it! I can't believe you too!"

YN left the room crying, I was going to chase after her, but Hailey stopped me.

Hailey:"Don't, just give her sometime"

Justin:"But I have to see if she's okay! I promised her and I broke the promise again", I sat on the couch with my hands covering my face.

Hailey left and I was there alone.


My heart broke, when Hailey said it was true. I felt back home and started to pack my things and some clothing for the kids. I finished with the kids suit cases and placed it in my car.

I went back inside to pack my things. Being in this room reminds me of what Justin did.

As I was packing I heard footsteps, I turned and there was Justin with red eyes from crying.

Justin:"Where are you going?", he sobbed.

YN:"Away from you"

Justin:"YN please I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it"

YN:"You always say you didn't mean to do it, yet you always go back to cheat on me! If you didn't want to be with me, why did we even get married. I forgave you so many times, but you just keep breaking my heart. I'm tired of this, I can't continue in this relationship.I'm tired of this! I'm tired of seeing you with other girls!", I began to cry again. Saying these words broke my heart to pieces, because after all he has done to me I still love him with all my heart.

Justin walked to me, but I moved. He looked at me with guilty eyes. "Baby, I'm sorry", he cried. Seeing him like this drove me crazy, because I just wanted to ran into his arms.

"Justin I'm sorry I can't this is the last straw. This relationship has been a mess lately and if we continue its going to get worse. And don't worry about the kids they can spend every weekend with you, because they deserve to be with both of us, but we just can't be together anymore.", I take of my wedding ring.
"Please don't", Justin plead. "Sorry", I placed it in his hand, and kissed his cheek. "Good-bye Justin", I walked out of the room with my suit case and didn't turn back. As I was leaving I heard Justin scream and things being thrown in the room. It was so hard for me to not go back to see if he's okay, and I just continued walking and left. I left with only memories of our love.

Sad chapter 😭


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