Chapter 19

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I have been released the hospital after the doctor made sure Derek and I were okay.

Its 10:00am and I have showered and got ready to leave the hospital and go home to Jason.

I've been giving Justin the silent treatment. I'm still mad at him for what he did.

After I got ready, I got the bags and Justin already had Derek on the carrier.

Hugo:"You guys ready?"



Justin carried Derek and I walked behind him with the bags. I still have some pain.

We finally made it to the SUV. Justin placed Derek on the car seat. Hugo got the bags and put them on the trunk.

I got in the back and Justin did too.
There was Paparazzi outside the hospital luckily they didn't see us.

Justin:"I'm excited to see Jason"

I nodded my head.

Justin:"Are you really still mad at me? I'm sorry okay, I was just playing I didn't mean what I said about Selena."

YN:"I don't care if you didn't mean it, that still hurt my feelings"

I looked out the window. Tears started to form in my eyes.

Justin just sighed.

The whole way home was quiet. Once we got home, Pattie, and Jason welcomed us.

Jason:"Mommy! Daddy!"

He ran to us, but stopped when he saw Justin with the baby carrier.

Justin:"Hey little man, come meet your little brother"

Justin took Derek and sat on the couch with him in his arms.

YN:"look Jason this is Derek your little brother"

I pulled Jason on my lap while I sat next to Justin.

Jason:"Baby brother?"

He looked at Derek who was sleeping.

YN:"Yes, you want to hold him?"

He nodded his head. I sat him next to Justin, and he placed Derek in Jason's arms while being careful.

Pattie:"Aww don't you guys look cute", she smiled.

Pattie:"Family picture! Everyone say cheese!"

She got her phone and took a picture of us.

YN:"Can you please send it to me?"

Justin:"Me too, mom"

Pattie nodded her head.

YN:"Pattie its your turn"

I took a picture of Pattie, Justin, and the boys.

Then Derek started to cry.

YN:"I'm guessing he's hungry"

Pattie handed me Derek . I went up Derek's new bedroom. It had his crib, changing table, a recliner and all his things. Since I'm going to breast feed him, I closed his door, I sat in the recliner and started to breast feed him.

A few minutes later Derek was done and instantly fell asleep. I placed him in his crib and turned on the baby monitor.

I walked out his room and went downstairs. There was no one in the living room anymore . I then walked to the kitchen and found Justin and Jason eating a sandwich .

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