8. Surrounded By Wolves

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As Becky opened her eyes and looked around, she realised that she lost the battle and now she is surrounded by the wolves. The wolves who were once her family in this different country than her home country. Instead of Authority office floor, she found herself on couch of Authority office. She found herself surrounded by the ones she fought lonely for weeks. She saw them smiling evilly in victory. She looked at her former best friend Charlotte who was more like her sister was ready to pounce on her with words. Her eyes then went to the man who was the reason for her defeat that is Seth. He had a pleased look on his face. She sat up.

"Glad you woke up, my ex-bestie, my ex-sister and now my slave for one whole month, the one and only The Lass Kicker, Diva Slayer, Raw Women's Champion, Becky Lynch," smiled Charlotte and laughed aloud, "Baby, if you listened to us and join Authority the day I joined along with me you would not be seeing this day. Tonight, Hell In A Cell Event has created a whole new hell for you."

"A Warrior Princess turned into A Prisoner Of War in a single night," chuckled Triple H.

"Lunatic Little Sister, you annoyed us for weeks. Your attacks on me in NXT was not even half as annoying as your fighting every week against us was," said Dean disappointingly.

"Same as Dean that your attacking me on NXT was not even half as annoying as what your doing against us from weeks. I hope you now understand where you went wrong," said Roman disappointingly.

"It's true that you are strong and brave but this time you directly messed with Authority. So the consequences was inevitable," said Randy smirking.

"Didn't I tell you earlier, Sweetie to join Authority and become 4th member of Shield or you will regret?" smirked Stephanie, "But you did not listen to us. Guess what? Now, you are here as your ex-bestie's slave. You really think you could rebel against us and get away with it? Do you have no idea that whoever rebelled against us only got crushed? Then how can you even think a newbie like you could rebel against us? Big Show got bankrupt and banned, Cody-Goldust got fired and rehired, Daniel Bryan got injured and today 2 beautiful women became slaves out of which one is you(pointing at her). Like other rebels, you too got crushed by us. Like Charlotte, even I loved you like my younger sister but you ditched us. You have a habit of ditching everyone who supports you. First you ditched your friend Seth, then Dean and Roman, then me and then your sister Charlotte. You ditched us all just to follow herd mentality by rebelling against us while supporting the ones who don't even care about you."

"You all plotted against me," said Becky with anger, "You set the match as Falls Count Anywhere so you all could make sure that I lose this match which is what happened because of this guy(pointing to Seth)."

She went in front of Seth who was giving her a taunting smile.

"I saw you distracting the referee in this same office giving time to Charlotte to knock me down with a briefcase and get the pin. You helped her cheat to win," said Becky angrily staring at him.

"I was just applying your advice, Honey. You only advised me long back that 'Its not really a cheating till the referee does not see you cheating'. So I just followed your advice and applied it on you only," smiled Seth and laughed.

She felt irritated at him constantly calling her 'Honey' to irritate her. He started calling her this since she stopped talking to him just to irritate her.

"And darling, it's not Charlotte for you. It's either Mistress or Ma'am for you. Do you need to be told that slaves don't call their owners by names because it's disrespectful? Get used to calling me with either of these," said Charlotte with a nasty smile.

She recalls her own advice she said to him after she helped him defeating Dean to retain his NXT title. She raised her hand to slap him but he caught it and twisted it behind her back while turning her around making her back face him. She tries to free her hand but due to tiredness after a long brutal fight and emotional stress she is not able to free herself from Seth's stronger grip.

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