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𝗘'𝗻𝗮𝗷𝗮𝗵 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗿𝗼𝗲 | 𝟮𝟯

"RJ these are so cuteeee!" Najah cried a little while going through the pictures of the twins RJ had just took. "I can't believe I got kids... this crazy as fuck."

"Before me" RJ shook his head. "You just a lil too careful fa me."

"Auntie baby so cute." Egypt spoke catching them off guard. "Najah she get det shit from you." Her dad spoke.


"Egypt you ready to start second grade tomorrow?" Najah asked "No"

"Well you gettin' da hell up outta my house."

"Daddy!" Najah died laughing. "Najah she so bad it don't make no sense."

"I'm not bad."
"Exactly my baby not bad." Najah defended

"You know fa a fact she bad as hell." RJ spoke

"Okay... just a lil bit, not too much on her tho. Where's my best? What you do to her this time RJ?"

"Don't know" He shrugged "We broke up cs she decided to put her hands on me."

"That child is crazy." Roman chuckled "Roman that's not funny, nobody would be laughing if he put his hands on her." Kerri spoke

"Exactly ma" RJ agreed "Man up! Ian sayin' she won't wrong but yeen have to break up wit her over det."

"If I let her think it's ite to hit me once she gone make det shit a pattern n ion got time fa allat. We still livin' together so it ain't like ian seen her I just don't know where she is at da moment."

"Son don't listen to him you did right, you walked away instead of feeding into the mess. Are y'all gonna talk about it though?"

"Maybe... prolly but imma let her approach me first cs ian do shit."

"I'm finna call her." Najah got up from the couch and went upstairs to call Bobbi.


"What's the matter?" Najah asked "Nun"

"So why you cryin?"
"I'm not"

"You might not be right now but you was. What's the matter Bobbi?"

"I'm so used to fucked up ass relationships n now I got a good man that i'm runnin' away. I really been tryin' my best to change for him but clearly ian been tryin' hard enough for him."

"I don't think it's that you haven't been tryin' hard enough I think you just need to change your mindset. If he upsets you, walk away from the situation then revisit it later on rather than lashin' out or puttin' yo hands on him."

"Maybe I just ain't good enough for him. Roman is a really good man, he takes good care of me and my son but I just can't seem to get it together."

"You went from one relationship to the next, ian sayin' it's nun wrong wit det cs I did da same shit but you didn't really give yourself time to grow from your flaws Bobbi."

"I know and I think that's the problem. I don't wanna be with him until i'm a better person but iono if he gone wait on me or not. Ion want him to get a new bitch on me Najah."

"Well if he really love you like he say he do then he'll help you with your issues. You do need to apologize cs if he woulda hit you it woulda been a whole different story."

"Najah I been blowin' his phone up he prolly got me muted. Can you tell him to call me?"

"Yea, I will when I go back downstairs. He said y'all was still stayin' together tho."

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