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A cold, rainy night in Yusan City

The man walks through the streets clutching two things to his chest, a sheathed Echani sword and a baby wrapped in swaddle. A wanted poster of the man 'Dren Cardenni: Wanted Dead or Alive, reward: 10,000 Credits' is what the man sees. He knows that's why he can't raise this kid, he would have loved with everything he has to raise this kid, but he is a criminal.

He was born into a caste close to the bottom of the pyramid, not slaves, but certainly not warriors, who were top of the hierarchy. Of course he was also a man, which meant he would never have as much influence as his wife, who had a bounty large enough to get a brand new frigate for her alone. Anyway, he knows who to give his beloved son to, for a better future for his child.

Nadd Dojo
Is what the sign reads as he walks up, puts the baby down, knocks, and runs off. A younger but still middle aged woman opens up to see the baby and sword, so she picks them both up and brings them inside. She brings both inside to a room with another baby.

"So, little Kenth, this is my daughter, Brianna. You two will be the best of friends." She says.


11 year olds Kenth Cardenni and Brianna Nadd train, they are sparring. Brianna has always been the more naturally talented of the both of them, but Kenth has more raw potential.

Echani martial arts: Palm Strike Flurry

Brianna launches a seemingly endless attack consisting of fast and powerful palm strikes, almost sending Kenth to the floor, but he somehow stays up.

"You need to block or dodge, Ken!" Master Nadd yells.

Kenth doesn't answer, he instead unleashes a move he was waiting to do.

Echani martial arts: Lightning Kick

Kenth jumps back and lunges into a high kick, and when Brianna blocks that, he delivers a kick to her abdomen faster than she thought he could, Completely folding her. He offers his hand to help her up but she slaps it away.

"I don't need your help, Kenth." Brianna
"Sorry, Bree." He says.
"Brianna, be kind to him, he is a man!" Master Nadd yells.
"Sorry, mom." She says.

She gets up, glares at Kenth and exits the arena.

"See you at dinner." She says to both of them while stalking off.

Kenth is just standing there, bruised and aching, watching her walk away. He decides to rest and also walks to his room. He sits on his bed and lets it sink in, for the six years him and Brianna have been training, he has not beaten her once, until now. He smiles a wide smile as he lays back on his bed.

After a few hours he gets bored of laying on his bed and goes to the training area. He finds Master Nadd jumping down from the roof.

"Oh, hey, Kenth, you want to know how to do this? I already offered it to Brianna but she refused."
"U-Um, yeah." He adds.

It Master Nadd then attempts to teach him about the basics of climbing, and it works alright, the kid knows how to climb. But he needs to get better at it, and while he's at it, probably get a better haircut. Luckily for Kenth, climbing comes easy to him, within a few months, he's starting to get more style while jumping around the city. By the time he's twelve, the entire city is his playground.

And by the time he's fourteen, well, we'll just have to see, in the saga of The Blue Rebel.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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