~Ch 15~ Waking Up [SHORT]

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I can't.

What was I thinking?! I can't leave him, not yet. I'm not ready and nor is he. I've got to go back, I have time.

"Look, this seems amazing, almost like paradise, but... I can't leave yet, not now." I told the Luigi in front of me. He stared off into the distance for a while, so I figured it was time to leave.

But when I turned around, the darkness was gone.

"Leave? You can't leave, bro!" He responded once he saw what I noticed. I froze in fear, what happened? I still had time... right?

Suddenly, I heard a loud ringing in my ear. It was consistent, and void.

A flatline.

No. No no I can't let it end like this. I can't be dead. I refuse.

Panicking, I started looking around for any form of hope, but I saw nothing.

"The fun never ends." I heard Luigi say behind me. In a flash I whipped around and looked at him, he was demented, and the world began to crumble around me. I stepped back, he started to glitch, twitch, and float. I watched as the floor started to fall into itself, opening a path to the core.


With every remaining nerve in my body, I sprinted the opposite way, trying to get as far away from this... whole thing as possible. I needed to escape, I couldn't let it end like this.

But someone pulled me back.

"The fun never ends, bro." The demented figure began dragging me to the massive hole being expanded in the ground. I fought for my life, wait, my death? My afterlife? I fought to escape.

I wasn't strong enough.

He let me go.

With an ear-piercing scream, I fell, reaching up, hoping something or someone would catch me, but nobody was there to help.

I guess this really is the end.

I heard what sounded like a scream come from my brother's room, so with a bit of hesitation, I made my way over to his door and sat there for a moment, waiting to see if he would say anything. Nothing happened for at least 3 minutes, so I knocked.

"Hey bro?" I called to him. "Are you awake yet?" I know it was kind of a redundant question, but I couldn't think of anything better. It was silent for another minute.

"Come in." I heard him mumble. Timidly, I opened the door. He was laying on his bed staring at the roof. He looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep at all. I thought about asking what that scream was, but I figured it was best not to, he doesn't like sharing things like that.

"You didn't forget about the party Peach planned tonight, right?"

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