Chapter Seven 🐾

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     "Wakey, Wakey!" 

     Frostpaw grumbled. She opened her eyes. Mintpaw and Gingerpaw were squealing with excitement. 

     "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Frostpaw heard Oakstar yowl. Frostpaw got up and padded out the apprentice den.

     "I, Oakstar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Gingerpaw and Mintpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Oakstar asked.

     "I do." Gingerpaw said.

     "I do." Mintpaw echoed.

     "Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Gingerpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Gingerthorn. StarClan honors your courage, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan. Mintpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Mintfur." Oakstar declared and rested his muzzle onto Gingerthorn's head. Gingerthorn licked Oakstar's shoulder and padded over to join the warriors sitting by the warrior's den. The same is repeated with Mintfur. 

     "You will both sit vigil in the clearing and guard the camp when we sleep." Oakstar said, leaping down from the Highrock, ending the meeting. 

     The rest of the day flew by. Frostpaw resumed training, and the newly-named warriors tried out warrior duties. Then, a shriek echoed across the camp.

     "Cloudleaf!" Stoneclaw cried, racing toward the gorse tunnel, toward his mate. Frostpaw followed Stoneclaw, curious. Cloudleaf was standing over a body. Frostpaw neared and gasped. Riverpaw! Stoneclaw let out a wail of grief. Riverpaw and Stoneclaw had formed a close bond when Dawnheart had gotten hurt. Frostpaw, filled with grief, looked at Riverpaw's claws. Grey fur. Frostpaw thought, spotting a tuft of grey fur between Riverpaw's unsheathed claws. Frostpaw narrowed her eyes as a possibility formed in her mind. 

     "Darkspirit." Frostpaw hissed.

     "What is that?" Stoneclaw sniffed.

     "Darkspirit killed Riverpaw." Frostpaw repeated, this time loud enough for Stoneclaw and Cloudleaf to hear, "Darkspirit killed Riverpaw. Look at Riverpaw's claws, there are tufts of grey fur between his claws." Stoneclaw snarled in rage as Cloudleaf pulled a tuft of grey fur out of Riverpaw's claws.

     Suddenly, four rogues leaped out four different bushes and attacked the group. Frostpaw yelped as a rogue with a torn ear leaped onto her, scratching her shoulder and back. Frostpaw rolled, dislodging the rogue, twisted, and bit the rogue's neck, ready to snap it. The rogue, sensing his death, yelped and tried to scramble away, but Frostpaw had a firm grip on his throat. Stoneclaw hissed into her ear when he raced past her, "Warriors do not need to kill to win battles." Frostpaw let go and nipped the rogue's shoulder as the rogue fled. Oakstar suddenly burst out from the gorse tunnel, Ivyleaf and Fernpelt on his tail. Frostpaw, renewed with energy and adrenaline of battle, leaped onto a rogue that was sparring with Cloudleaf.

     Ten more rogues leaped out the bushes, the rogue that fled leading them. Oakstar yowled a warning, but the rogues paid no attention. Oakstar caterwauled a battle cry, and Lakepetal,  Hazelpool,Duskclaw, Blazetalon, Irispebble, Opalwing, Rainstorm, Mintfur, and Gingerthorn, erupted out of the gorse tunnel, flinging themselves onto their enemies. Snowdrop and Moonstone guarding the tunnel into camp. Yet again, ten more rogues spilled from the bushes, Darkspirit leading them and Shadowclaw right behind him.

     "Shadowclaw!" Frostpaw gasped, " Why are you working for Darkspirit?"

     Darkspirit grinned as Shadowclaw hissed, "I had always worked for him."

     "Stop!" Darkspirit yowled to the rogues who stopped fighting, then addressed Oakstar, "I will leave if you give us two of your cats, Frostpaw and Snowdrop. If not, we will eliminate this clan!" Oakstar glanced at Snowdrop uncertainty, then at his clanmates. He swallowed and said, "I will give you Snowdrop and Frostpaw." Gasps echoed across the clan, but Oakstar narrowed his eyes, "Next sunrise."

     Darkspirit grinned, but slightly narrowed his eyes, "Agreed. Meet at Fourtrees next sunrise." Oakstar nodded, sadness in his eyes, and disappeared down the gorse tunnel and into his den. Snowdrop, worry and fear in her eyes, followed Oakstar. Darkspirit grinned again, gathered his rogues, and left Thunderclan territory. When Frostpaw and her clanmates entered camp, Frostpaw felt upset that her father was willing-well not willing-to give her and her mother away. She saw Snowdrop leave the leader's den, her tail and ears drooping. Frostpaw, Silverpaw, and Sunpaw hurried to Snowdrop to hear the news.

     "Oakstar's gone vague." Snowdrop mewed sadly. Frostpaw glimpsed Peachflame padding into the leader's den, carrying herbs. Sunpaw must've also noticed his mentor, because he left the group, following Peachflame. Then, she saw Duskclaw with narrowed eyes.

     "Frostpaw!" Duskclaw hissed, "Training. Now." Frostpaw growled inwardly and padded toward her mentor.

     "Battle training. Go to the sandy hollow. I'll be waiting." Duskclaw mewed, and slinked away. Frostpaw ran out of the camp, startling a few cats as she charged out. Instead of running to the sandy hollow, she ran to the twolegplace. She leaped onto a fence and was startled by a brown tabby she-cat sunning herself on the fence.

     The tabby shrieked and leaped away from her, claws extended, "Who are you?!"

     "I'm from Thunderclan." Frostpaw said breezily, even though on her inside, she was freaking out. My first kittypet!  Frostpaw thought.

     "I've heard about Thunderclan when I was six moons old!" the kittypet said, inching forward, "My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother met this fiery orange cat with green eyes and scars. The story's been passed on for generations. I'm Star."

     "Hi, Star. My name is Frostpaw." Frostpaw said, "I'm from Thunderclan like that orange cat. What was his name?"

     "Firestar." Star said, "You know him? How?"

     "He's the legendary leader of Thunderclan. Stories." Frostpaw sighed. She wanted to be like him. Brave, fierce, and loyal. Not the terrified cat Frostpaw was. Star seemed to be more interested, asking more questions. Frostpaw felt proud, knowing the answers, until she heard her mentor yelling at her.

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