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'Ricochet Pizza', a well known restaurant that's very popular with the citizens of Slugterra, especially the Shane Gang. They had been introduced to Mario Bravado, the owner, during a prison break operation involving Pronto.

These days Mario had taken a step back from slinging slugs and focused more on slinging pizzas. Even though he's retired he still uses his slugs for trickshots in the kitchen, the speed at which the cheesy delight is prepped always keeps customers coming back for more.

Today he was running his bi-monthly 'all-you-can-eat pizza challenge', it was a straightforward challenge that had contestants try to finish Mario's 'slugantic surprise' pizza in one hour. If they did, they'd have their bill removed and would be given a monthly pass to eat for free at the restaurant.

It seemed easy enough at first but so far no one had been able to complete it. When the gang first saw it a couple months ago, Kord laughed and immediately asked for it, thinking he could finish it himself. Even with Mario's warnings Kord insisted on the challenge, quickly reaching his stomach's full capacity after only a couple slices, eventually the other members joined in. At the end of it, all they had were stomach aches, a hefty bill, and leftovers to last a week, but they were nowhere close to completing the challenge. That was often the result of anyone who tried to test Mario's challenge.

The gang had tried a couple more times over the months but still had no success, however, bit by bit, they were making progress until there were only a handful of slices left when they gave up. This time the group felt confident in completely finishing the pizza.

Entering the restaurant, the aroma of various cheeses came to them. Humming to himself in the back Was Mario, wearing a typical chef's hat as well as a flour covered apron. "Ah, the Shane Gang, good to see you again" greeted Mario.

"Good to see you again too" said Eli. "We'll take the usual," requested Trixie as she pulled up a chair along with the other members at their usual spot in the restaurant.

"Don't get your hopes up," chuckled Mario, both Pronto and Kord sarcastically returned offended over-the-top exaggerated expressions.

Mario's speedstinger jumped up on their table and eagerly waved to the slugs they had on their belts.

"Go on you guys, we'll be here for a while" said Kord, causing each Shane Gang member's slug to slowly come out of their blue tubes and along with Mario's slug, head over to a corner to interact with each other.

"Well, now that the slugs and you all are settled, I'll start whipping up that pizza," Mario then went to work making his speciality. While the Shane Gang started conversing with each other.

Lost in their conversation they didn't notice Mario walk over after a few minutes with their quickly made pizza. With a thud he placed the large edible item in front of them, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Well here it is, same rules as last time, you fail you pay, you win I pay," he chuckled at his own rhyme and walked off, leaving the gang to look at the one hour timer before digging in.

Eli and Trixie ate steadily and were behind Pronto, who was far behind Kord. It was no surprise that a man as big as Kord would have an appetite to match. Still, even with everyone eating, time was running out.

Eli, who looked like a squirrel holding nuts in its mouth with all the pizza that was in him, motioned for the slugs to join in with his hands. Pretty soon it was a crowded table with everyone's necks snapping to the timer and then back down to the pizza in front of them.

Mario watched from the counter and smiled as he saw his food being enjoyed not only by humans but slugs too. When he gave up slug slinging he was excited to open up a restaurant, but never expected it to be such a success, it filled him with happiness and a passion to always cook for the citizens of Slugterra.

His wholesome thoughts were interrupted by a beeping noise as he noticed the one-hour mark was up, he glanced over to their table and noticed a couple of slices still left.

"No luck today? Well at least you had fewer slices left over than last time," Mario was only met with unanimous moans from both the slugs and members. Which was understandable to anyone who had attempted the challenge before.

Mario laughed as he bagged up the remaining slices for takeout, slowly the members got up. "Thanks for the food Mario, hope to see you soon" Eli said. "Man, I say we walk back to the hideout," suggested Kord, "Agreed," replied Trixie.

Together all four of them walked out after waving to Mario and made their way back home. They weren't happy that they couldn't beat the challenge today, but were glad progress was made, making them confident for next time.

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