☾ 𝓿. stern as stone

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~ stern as stone ~
vivienne salvatore

CHAPTER FIVE~ stern as stone ~vivienne salvatore

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It's been three weeks since I joined Lockwood & Co.

In that time, we've gone on several low-key cases as a team: a Lurker in an old church, two Shades in the attic of a townhouse, and a Stone Knocker down the back alley of Arif's store, to name a few.

We'd been called to Mrs Wick's house several times, but the only 'visitors' she had were stray cats.

However, most of the cases I'd been on had been partner cases with Mr Lockwood, upon his request.

It made sense. He was still assessing my Talent, and George and Lucy preferred to conduct research and experiments than fieldwork, favouring days of work and early nights to becoming nocturnal as the two of us had.

This excuse didn't explain the strange tension that seemed to linger between us on each case. Glances that lasted just slightly too long, me having to repeat myself as he'd been lost in thought, conversations abruptly falling into awkward silence, and how we subconsciously drifted to stand close to each other.

Each of these things seemed totally out of character from how I'd seen him interact with George or Lucy.

This plagued my mind more than I'd like to admit. I didn't want my boss to feel uncomfortable by my presence, but that's what seemed to have happened.

I just couldn't think of a reason why.

I hadn't said anything rude to anyone beside George, and Mr Lockwood always laughed at my comments. I'd barely even been around him, seeing as he always seemed to have somewhere else to be whenever I entered a room.

Cases really were the only time we spent together, and then all we spoke of was case-related.

I'd spent weeks living with the mysterious boy, yet knew close to nothing about him, and he knew very little about me.

If it weren't for the sign at the front door, I'm sure I'd have not even known his first name. Not like that information is any use to me, seeing as neither of us refer to each other informally. To him, I'm strictly-

"Miss Salvatore?" A voice calls out from the kitchen doorway, tearing me away from my thoughts. "You ready to head out? Cab should be here any minute now."

It's Mr Lockwood.

"Yeah," I reply with a smile. "I'll just be a sec."

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