Chapter 9

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It was Saturday afternoon, and Olivia found herself yet again at the Night Owl, specifically at the Night Owl's food and beverage counter. She was still bothered by last night's dinner with her mother. She hated that it compelled  her to sleep on Serena's sofa last night. This morning when the sun rose, Olivia got up, made sure Serena was safe, and then bolted from her apartment.

"Here you go, Olivia." Jenifer said, calling Olivia out of her thoughts, and handing her the coffee, and 2 chocolate chip cookies she paid for. Olivia took them with a grateful smile, and turned away from the counter. Her brown eyes scanned the cafe area for a seat, and very quickly focused on Rafael Barba, staring into space. She walked over to him, placing her chocolate chip cookies on the table in front of him. "You look like you need these more than I do." She said, sitting down across from him. He blinked. A second later, his green eyes were on her.
"Hey, detective. How are you?" He asked, almost inaudibly.
"I'm fine. I feel better than you look. What's wrong, counselor? Why do you look like you lost your best friend?"
"Maybe I did."
"What did she do?"
"What?" He asked, looking confused, he raised an eyebrow.
"What did your girlfriend do?"
Rafael wanted to say nothing. He wanted to pretend nothing had changed. He wanted her to drop the subject, he wanted to wallow in silence "I don't have a girlfriend, we broke up." He said, surprised that the words came out
"Oh",Olivia answered softly. "Maybe you'll work things out."

Rafael shook his head "No, that's not happening. I was going to ask her to marry me, but all she cared about was her midnight rendezvous. She was cheating on me, I don't know for how long, and it doesn't matter." Once again, Rafael was shocked at the words spilling out of his mouth. He prided himself on being a guarded human being. He never let his guard down to anyone, with the exception of his mother at very specific times, and they were close.

"It matters to you." Olivia replied, Rafael could hear the sympathy in her voice, she sounded heartbroken for him.

"No. It matters that she did it, it doesn't matter for how long. Off the record, detective, I think she was cheating on me for years, I just didn't want to see it. This time I had no choice but to see it. I was bringing her her favorite soap, and I heard her on the phone telling him she would meet him at midnight. She was about to tell him all the naughty things she wanted to do to him."

"Did she see you, did you confront her about it?" Olivia asked, feeling sick, and angry for him.

"Yes, she saw me, and yes I verbally confronted her. She said she made a mistake, but it wasn't a mistake. I gave her everything I had. I encouraged her in her career. I was loyal to her. I felt guilty about the most innocent things, and she was cheating on me. I see it clearly now, she never loved me, she loved what I could do for her. She wanted to marry me, and have a lover on the side. I left the house that I just bought, and moved into. I didn't even pack a bag. I let her stay there, I gave her 31 days to move out. If she doesn't move out on her own by then, I'll start the eviction process. I'm sleeping on my mother's couch."

"Did you fight, did things get physical?" Olivia asked, Rafael could hear the sudden concern in her voice.
No, detective, I told you, I verbally confronted her. I don't put my hands on women in violent ways."
"Did she put any money into the house?"

"No. I was about to put her name on it."
Most ex-boyfriends would make life a living hell. You were nice to leave her in the house without a problem."
"How many ex-boyfriends have you lived with?" Rafael asked.
"None." She replied quickly. "Your story is an example of why I stay single, Barba."
"Why?" Because you think everybody cheats?"
"No, I told you before, it's too much grief. Were you really happy with her? Was it worth the pain you're going through now?"

"Now that I think about it, the answer to your first question is no. I wasn't happy with her. She wanted me to change everything about myself. She told me how to feel, what to eat, when I should sleep, how much money I should make. She didn't like my family or friends, I had to beg her to spend time with them."

"Sounds like the relationship might have been emotionally abusive."
"My relationship with her wasn't worth it, but that doesn't mean I should give up hope. I'll be right back." Rafael got up, and walked to the food and beverage counter, and to her surprise, Olivia waited for him to come back. Rafael returned moments later with a cup of coffee, and 4 chocolate chip cookies. "We now have 6 cookies here," Rafael took 3 cookies and extended his hand out to Olivia, "We each get 3." He said. She hesitated a moment before taking the 3 offered cookies.

"A few minutes later, she took a small bite of one of her cookies. "I didn't eat breakfast or lunch." Olivia admitted. "I slept on my mother's couch, I got out of there as soon as I could, there was no time to eat." Rafael was touched, she hadn't eaten, and as soon as she saw him, she offered him her food.
"Why did you rush out of your mother's?" He asked, softly.
"She needed me. She drank a little too much last night I rushed out, because I didn't want to be there."

"Does she drink a lot, often?" Rafael asked, feeling like he already knew the answer.
"I don't know, I don't live with her, and I don't see her often." After a long pause, Olivia changed the subject. "You're lucky you're out of that relationship, Barba. You don't deserve to be cheated on."
"Thank-you." Rafael replied, grateful for this entire conversation. "May I have your phone number?"
"I'm not looking for a hookup or a relationship, Barba." She replied, swiftly.
"Neither am I", he responded, quickly.

"Good. What are you looking for?" Olivia asked.

"A friend." He answered.

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