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No flipping way.

This was it. Her first live performance ever. All her classmates plus more were gathered around the outdoor Snappies' stage. Nothing on stage but a piano and microphone. Her hands felt clammy. Her stomach did flips. She was in the holding room looking herself over in the mirror. Her curly hair was silk-pressed down her back. Her make-up was airbrushed on. She wore simple black jeans a white tank top and a cropped black jacket.

She lost a few pounds and she looked amazing. She did not have to starve herself or anything, simply watched her portions and absolutely no junk food. She felt she could even wear a swimsuit now, her tummy was flat now. This improved her confidence in herself, even though she should have not let her weight define her.

She let out a breath.

"I can do this."

Paris walked out of the holding room, ready to be called on stage. She felt nervous, but not as bad seeing the crowd.

"Now let me introduce this wonderful talent we have for you tonight. Only fifteen and she has a new album coming out soon with J. Scoville Records. We all love her first single which has been number one for two weeks. Let's hear it for Paris Trotter!"

She was so happy to hear all the cheers for her. Little ole her? She walked onto the stage and smiled, waved to everyone, and made her way over to the piano.

Oh crap. She froze. What was she supposed to play? She practiced all seven songs all week long. She knew them. She wrote them herself.

She nervously looked out at the audience, Everyone was watching her. She looked around trying to see a familiar face. She knew Ejay was there, even her mother, but she did not see them. Her eyes went directly to Justin.

He read the panic in her eyes and rushed to the stage and sat beside her.

He whispered, "You know this."

He started to play a few notes for her. She felt ease in her belly. She echoed his rhythm and they played together for a while, till she took over with gusto, singing into the mic, her words.

The crowd went crazy.

As she got more into the song, she did not notice Justin leave her. The stage was hers.


"I still get chills when I hear her," he said, standing beside Tangie.

"This girl is the truth, Justin," Tangie said to him.

"Thanks for helping me out with her. You know this biz, better than I do. Why were you working at Midtown University?"

"Had to make a living that paid the bills."

"I hear that." He bopped his head to the song. "We at J. Scoville can pay a lot of bills. I'd like you on my team. You can still manage X and Paris, but we need more acts."

"Make me an offer I won't refuse," she said before walking off to join the date she brought.

"So did I do good or what" LaLa walked over beside him.

"I don't think half the people here recognize her as that timid little girl anymore. She's a new person."

"Still a bit rough but she owns the stage. It's her element."


Paris was on her third song and killing it on the piano. She could sing and play effortlessly, something many could not do. She was having an awesome performance.

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